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Thursday, July 29, 2021

Ranbir & Aman Singh Amway

 Previously, I worked for two international corporations, and most recently, I was the Director of Marketing for a submersible pump manufacturing company. A renowned edible oil company employed Priscilla as a front-desk executive in their corporate headquarters. I worked long hours and had a tight touring schedule, which made it difficult for me to spend quality time with my family. Despite the fact that we had two sources of income, we were still in debt and unable to provide a comfortable life style for our daughter, Mannat, and our parents in their retirement.

We initially got into the Direct Selling business for the money, but we ended up staying because of the people. While we were going through a lot of difficulties in the beginning, we maintained our faith and felt that we would succeed. The opportunity presented itself as our only hope of reviving our lives and keeping our dreams alive.

We are grateful to God for blessing us with beautiful uplines and downlines, the cohesive Britt Worldwide team, our parents, and the Direct Selling industry for providing such an incredible chance to serve others while still making a profit. It is the ability to do things with people you want to do them with and in the places you want to do them that brings true happiness to a person. "If you do your best, God will take care of the rest," I believe wholeheartedly. Have faith in God at all times, for God's delays are not the same as God's denials.”,

Ranbir & Aman Singh

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