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Thursday, July 29, 2021

Rajpal Singh & Navjot Kaur Bawa Amway

 Rajpal Singh and Navjot Kaur Bawa are a couple from Punjab (Businessmen & Homemaker, Hyderabad)

My profession is that of a businessman, and my wife, Navjot, is that of a homemaker. When the Direct Selling business opportunity came knocking on our door, my life was in a state of chaos. We recognised significant potential in this business and made the decision to devote our full efforts to its development.......................................... My wife and family were completely behind me in this endeavour.

Because of the dedication with which I worked towards my goal, and in such a short period of time, I was able to realise all of my family's ambitions and desires. In addition, I was successful in convincing my father to cease working. I now had more than enough time to spend with my family, particularly with my darling kids. I have attained success as a result of the love and support of my children, as well as the support of my parents, wife, and upline. However, I intend to accomplish much more in the future.

I'd like to state unequivocally that there is no other business quite like the Direct Selling business. This is the only business in which it is possible to achieve one's personal goals while also helping others achieve theirs.

Rajpal Singh & Navjot Kaur Bawa

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