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Thursday, July 29, 2021

P.Malar & D.S.P.Selvam Amway

 The names of the authors are P.Malar & D.S.P.Selvam.

Both of our families are from farming backgrounds. I was hired as the publishing editor of ‘Etrumathi Ulagam,' a major Tamil business magazine, in 2007. Malar is also a journalist, and she has been instrumental in helping me operate the magazine successfully. I also worked as an export consultant, and the Tamil Nadu government honoured me with the best author award for my novel, Neengalum etrumathi seiyalaam, for which I was nominated. I was around the world putting on industrial displays. We had money, social recognition, a family concept, and international travel opportunities. The quality of life was excellent. However, one occurrence completely turned our life upside down...

We suffered significant losses in exports. We had lost everything, with the exception of our optimism. We sold our automobile and spent all of our remaining savings. It was during this period that we came to understand the significance of the word "SECURITY."

We began operating Amway business in our leisure time, primarily on weekends, when we had the opportunity. The BWW system was really beneficial in helping us run our firm efficiently. In the beginning, my wife was sceptical because it appeared to be too good to be true!! The consistency of my efforts, the high quality of the products, and her people-friendly character gradually transformed her, and now we look forward to every minute of our Amway business. Our family is benefiting from BWW and Amway because they have provided us with a guaranteed, ongoing residual income.

We would want to express our heartfelt gratitude to our superiors, teammates, and our beautiful and loving children, Abinaya and Ashok.

We travelled wherever it was necessary to provide assistance to our crew. We are now travelling all over the world on a yearly basis!

The mantra is straightforward... We strictly adhere to the system's guidelines. The key to success in the AMWAY business is to accomplish small things every day and to stay in the system. If you do this, you will achieve great results.

Make a mental attitude change. Whatever it takes, I am determined to achieve success!

Nobody has the power to make or break you! You are the most important factor in your achievement. Keep your hopes and dreams alive! You are capable of completing the task!

P.Malar & D.S.P.Selvam

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