Storer, Ray & Betty
"The business has provided us a lifestyle that most others will only dream about."
"Earning a Ph.D. in marital and family conseling helped Ray Storer prepare for a life of assisting others, but he had little concept then of what the outreach would entail. He is an ordained clergyman, pastor of a church in Ohio and a former school administrator.
Betty worked in banking and is a skilled pianist and organist. Friends showed them the possibilities of the business, and before long they were off and running.
"My ambition was really little at beginning," Betty recalls. "I wanted to earn $100 so I could fly to meet my family without breaking our finances. Ray truly liked the individuals in the business and enjoyed being around them."
Soon the minor goals gave way to bigger ones, and now there is time and money for other things. Ray is a competent potter and woodworker and enjoys his skills.
They like sailing, and grow cattle on their farm. "Now we can act in a tangible way to satisfy the needs of deserving people and causes," adds Ray. "These were things we could only think about previously."