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Thursday, July 29, 2021

Manish Kumar & Dimple Khaptawala Amway

 Manish Kumar and Dimple Khaptawala are a couple from India.

I was employed by a well-known company at the time. Despite my youth, I am now living a retired life, which provides me with financial flexibility as well as the opportunity to spend more time with my family and friends. My wife, Dimple, is a stay-at-home mom. Riddhi, our beautiful daughter, is a blessing in our lives. I am a strong believer in the power of positive thinking, and I was determined to make a positive difference in my life. As a result, my business was a divinely inspired opportunity for me.

During the initial stages of my career, I had numerous difficulties. Gradually, each obstacle transformed into a stepping stone toward victory. Because we are a part of this firm that is honest and entirely focused on the philosophy of 'helping people to help themselves,' we consider ourselves fortunate. Success in this business also provides us with a spiritual sense of fulfilment since we are able to make a small but meaningful contribution to society by assisting others in realising and fulfilling their ambitions.

We owe our gratitude to God, our family, our uplines, and our team members for their assistance and encouragement. British Worldwide is the only university where a person can study to improve his or her life by following the British Worldwide system. Putting up the effort will almost certainly result in success. You must be a true student who is willing to learn the ropes of this business from his or her upline in order to be successful in this industry. Essentially, our message is, "Think big in order to succeed large, since the best of the best in the world is waiting for people who want to be winners."

Manish Kumar & Dimple Khaptawala

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