Both of us were born in Punjab and are currently residing in the United States. I received my Bachelor of Engineering in Mechanical Engineering from India, my Master of Engineering from England, and my MBA from the United States. I am currently employed as a Senior Executive for a multi-billion-dollar corporation in the United States. My wife, Neelam, received her bachelor's degree and MBA from the United States. She is the Chief Executive Officer of a hospital with a multi-million dollar budget. By taking use of our holiday time, we were able to establish this business in India with people we had never met before. In India, we now have a lot larger extended family than we could have imagined and are loving our ties with all of our extended family members in the country. We were introduced to this firm in the United States right before it was launched in India, thanks to a phone call we received from a hospital Vice President who recognised Neelam from her involvement in professional societies in the United States. Neelam, on the other hand, appreciated the concepts of achieving a very high level of passive income in a short period of time, having the freedom to choose her own schedule, and living a stress-free life, which she felt was unattainable in high-level corporate professions. I wasn't persuaded that this was something we wanted to accomplish or that it would provide us with financial independence. Neelam, on the other hand, had already been impressed by the advantages of this venture. She was able to see something in this business that I was unable to perceive myself. We made the decision to join and get things started. Neelam worked on her own, with the assistance of our Upline in the United States. After several months of witnessing her tenacity and dedication, and after grudgingly meeting with wealthy people, I began giving little contributions to her cause. When the company decided to expand into India, we were truly enthused about the prospect. Our parents, on both sides of the family, have been living with us in the United States for many years. All of our siblings and sisters are currently in the United States. While establishing this business, we faced a number of personal challenges, including caring for Naresh's father, who had been bedridden for two years before passing away recently, losing Neelam's father and her brother, who passed away recently at a young age, as well as caring for her brother's family and raising our own kids. Manu and Neha, our two children, are the joy of our lives. Manu has recently completed his Doctor of Law degree. His latest project involves working closely with a senior judge in South Carolina. Neha is pursuing her M.D. degree in Chicago. We are motivated to continue expanding this firm to Diamond level and beyond, despite the stress, long work hours, and politics that exist at the executive level positions. We want to achieve financial independence and time freedom so that we can live a calm life fully and have more options. We couldn't be happier since, unlike in the past, we are now working together to pursue our aspirations in both our personal and professional lives, as opposed to the past when we were simply working at our jobs. We have been able to travel in India and other countries because of our business. In the past, we've taken our parents and children on a number of excursions to India and other destinations. It gives us great satisfaction to be able to assist others in achieving their life goals. Neelam is looking forward to no longer working, but rather to focusing her efforts on growing the business even further and spending more time on her two passions, which are music and painting, than on anything else. We are looking forward to taking a trip and spending some quality time with one another.
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Thursday, July 29, 2021
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Mohan & Meena Deshmukh Amway
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