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Thursday, July 29, 2021

Mohan & Meena Deshmukh Amway

 Mohan Nanasaheb and Meena Deshmukh are a couple from India (Electrical Engineer & Lecturer)

It is our privilege to come from a middle-class household. We have two wonderful children, Digvijay (13 years old) and Rahul (11 years old) (11 years). My job as an Electrical Engineer is at a sugar mill, and my wife, Meena, is a lecturer at a B. Ed. college. We have two children. Despite the fact that we had a nice salary, we were never truly satisfied with the quality of our life. Despite the fact that our occupations provided us with an adequate income, they also carried with them a great deal of stress.

Even after putting in a lot of effort for more than a decade, we were still a long way from achieving our goals. In our minds' eye, we could see our lives unfolding in the same manner as our parents'. They worked extremely hard but were never able to get satisfactory results. In addition to our day occupations, we attempted to find extra sources of money to supplement our income. However, these efforts neither yielded the intended results, nor did they result in any noticeable modifications in our way of life.

Our lives were completely transformed after we became Amway members. As a result, we are able to spend quality time with our families, maintain meaningful relationships with good individuals, and enjoy financial stability. The most rewarding aspect of this business was that it provided us with the opportunity to assist thousands of individuals all around the world in realising their DREAMS, while we concentrated our efforts on becoming founding CAMs in the Amway organisation. It has been our perseverance, perseverance, and confidence; combined with the blessings of God, the great BWW System; support from our upline mentors; downline support; and the backing of the Amway founders; that have all led to our tremendous success.

If you DREAM BIG, think POSITIVE, start this business, and don't give up, you will be able to achieve whatever you desire in life.

Mohan & Meena Deshmukh

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