First and foremost, we would like to express our gratitude to God for entrusting us with this fantastic opportunity, the Amway business. Bangalore, Karnataka, is the city where I was born and raised. I am an electrical engineer with a traditional business experience, as seen by my educational history. My wife Seema is pursuing a B.A. in Psychology at the present time. Following my achievement of the Diamond level in the Amway business, I proposed to my girlfriend. Today, both of us are putting our hearts and souls into growing this company. We are living our dreams thanks to the Amway business. Before joining the Amway business, I had fantasised about a comfortable life; now, thanks to the Amway business, we are living our fantasies. Beyond the financial success I have experienced in my firm, I have experienced a great deal of spiritual and personal growth, and I believe that these are intangible aspects that money cannot buy and that my regular business would not have provided for me. In our business, the only way to be successful is to assist others. We also feel that this is the only chance that is open to everyone, regardless of race, colour, religion, education, or background. Anyone can participate, we believe. We are pleased with ourselves because we believe that we are making a difference in people's lives. The Amway company provides us with wealth, health, recognition, wonderful friendships, and it relieves us of worry because the money we earn is the result of our efforts to assist others in achieving success in life. This company is a shining example of people assisting others in order to help themselves. The Amway company represents the best investment opportunity. This is the only business that can provide you with freedom, time, and financial gain all at the same time. When I first started out in this business, I kept thinking about what would happen if it didn't work and what would happen if it did. I had nothing to lose because there was no danger involved because the investment was so small. In addition, it is a flexible curriculum that may be completed part-time in conjunction with your career, business, or education as well. Furthermore, there is a very effective mentorship programme that is virtually completely free. A beautiful family has supported me tremendously in my endeavours to be successful in my profession. Due to the fact that they have guided us through every difficulty that has arisen, our uplines are like parents to us. In addition to myself, my sister Pooja and brother Ronnie have been sponsored and will be qualifying Diamonds in the near future. Our parents have had a significant role in my accomplishments. My mother instilled in me the joy of giving and sharing, while my father instilled in me the importance of work ethics. Our family has actually come together as a result of our enterprise, and we look forward to going to exotic areas throughout the world together. We have been able to improve our living conditions by purchasing a nicer home, driving a better automobile, and providing the greatest possible lifestyle for our parents and ourselves. The greatest is yet to come, and this is only the beginning! We are firmly of the opinion that now is the most advantageous time to expand the Amway business. Because Amway is the global leader in the Direct Selling industry, we believe that this industry has a lot of promise in the future. We are really enthusiastic about our Diamond lifestyle, and we are even more enthusiastic and passionate about assisting others. We are confident that India will surpass the United States as Amway's largest market in the globe.
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Thursday, July 29, 2021
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Surjit & Surinder Waraich Amway
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Smita & Jayesh Varma Amway
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