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Saturday, August 21, 2021

Joecool's Blog Hits A Quarter Million?

 My statcounter on this blog just hit 250,000 today. A milestone of sorts for my blog. Counting some of my now defunct blogs, some of which were sabotaged, Joecool has been seen by nearly half a million viewers. While the Amway defenders may have something critical to say, I know that many people have been benefited nicely by this blog. Many information searchers and/or prospective who were lied to have profited by reading the information and personal experiences on this blog.

I do not plan to blog forever, but I am still actively interested in waging the good fight. There are still IBOs and IBO leaders out there teaching unethical activities. While some may reject it, there is still plenty of proof on the net to suggest that terrible business practises still occur in the Amway industry. In particular, the bad behaviours are not taught by Amway, but by motivating leaders who runs groups such as WWDB or BWW, who do and say things that would not be permitted by Amway. Sadly, some of these leaders have been at it for decades and never held accountable for their behaviour.

While the Amway business could be increasing with sales growing, it doesn't appear to have had a positive influence on IBOs being profitable. I know many Amway supporters will gloat about the sale and growth, but cannot explain that Amway's growth has no association with IBO profitability, especially if those IBOs attend functions and engage in the "systems". In fact, one could argue that Amway growth could indicate more IBOs are doing nothing and quitting or possibly losing money.

Anyway, I would want to congratulate friends and opponents alike for the success of Joecool's blog.

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