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Saturday, August 21, 2021

Teenage Blogger "Hates" Amway?

 Although it appears that the blogger is referring to Amway, he is actually speaking about Independent Business Owners (IBOs) that mislead and deceive:

Finally, at 8 p.m., I returned home and got myself ready before checking on some breaking news stories. The following day, one of my former housemates dialled my number to see if another housemate was home or not, and he arrived in front of my house since he didn't think the other housemate wasn't inside the house. "Can you allow me use the toilet?" he says, which I suspect is because he still doesn't believe me that the other housemate wasn't at home when I said he was. After that, he began to speak about my life and stated a "forbidden word" for myself, which was AMWAY, which I had never heard before. Following that, he simply continues to talk about AMWAY-related topics, despite the fact that it is a business rather than a direct sales or multilevel marketing venture.

Because I am uncomfortable with the names, I have no interest in hearing anything else about the AMWAY at the present time. Aside from that, there are a few other reasons why I despise AMWAY.

First and foremost, I despise Amway because of the way they approach people by "tricking us" into attending their business plan presentation rather than just introducing themselves and the firm when they meet with us. As you can see, my ex-housemate approached another housemate by claiming that he was there to "yum cha" (have a drink) because he happened to be passing by Setapak at the time of the incident.

2) I despise Amway because they are so successful, and I am a loser or jealous of their success. Do you ever notice that during the majority of the Amway seminars you attend, they will continue to display all of the luxurious items, like as BMWs, bungalow houses, jet planes, and other items, that you can get if you are successful in the Amway business?

3) I despise Amway because they claim that you don't need any education to be successful, and that you can get wealthy without doing so. This is due to the fact that I will begin to believe that I have made the incorrect option to pursue a degree at a college or university, given the fact that you may begin all of this as early as 17 years old. (I'll admit that I'm a loser when it comes to being terrified of getting left behind by those SPM leavers.)

4) I despise Amway because they are a master of deception and deceit. The reason behind this is that no matter how successful or unsuccessful you are, they will have an answer for you, which is referred to as "" in Cantonese. You may have the impression that they will focus on your interests, hobbies, weaknesses, or anything else and then start brainstorming with you. For example, if you have a weakness such as love faith in love, and a guy tells you that it is truly because you are poor that the girl doesn't like you, you are left in a vulnerable position.

Anyways, the things that I described above were merely my feelings and ideas, and there is no right or wrong, true or false, about them whatsoever. As a result of being able to write so much about them, I suddenly feel the need to promote them. Who knows, maybe I'll join Amway one day because I haven't gotten rich yet. (Come on, anybody wants to join my 1000-person downline, phone me. joking~) In addition, I checked to see if I had included the Amway term in my blog and discovered 12 results dating back to 2008, as shown in the image below. (Wahlau, four years have flown by!)

Over the course of many years, the business model utilized by Amway has been the subject of discussion and controversy, during which time supporters and opponents of the corporation have offered their perspectives and spoken about their personal experiences. One of the voices contributing to the discourse is that of a young blogger who has conveyed very strong feelings of animosity toward Amway.

The blogger, who wishes to maintain their anonymity, has expressed their disdain for Amway in a number of posts that they have published on their blog and several social media channels. Their primary criticism of the organization is that it functions as a pyramid scheme, benefiting just a select few at the very top while the bulk of members struggle to make any real money from their involvement.

The blogger has revealed firsthand experiences of being approached by Amway recruiters and being forced to join the firm despite their objections. They have documented these experiences on their blog. In addition to this, they have voiced their disapproval of the company's marketing strategies, characterizing them as dishonest and deceptive.

It is important to note that a large number of other people have also voiced concerns over the business methods of Amway, despite the fact that some people may disregard the blogger's thoughts as being those of an uninformed teenager. In point of fact, Amway has been the subject of an investigation by the Federal Trade Commission (FTC) in the past due to allegations of operating as a pyramid scheme. Despite this, the corporation has never wavered from its stance that it conducts its business within the bounds of the law and that it makes every attempt to resolve the concerns voiced by the regulatory bodies.

It is crucial to appreciate the blogger's right to express their opinions and share their experiences, regardless of whether or not one agrees with the blogger's views on Amway and whether or not one disagrees with those beliefs. It is also important to note that unfavorable thoughts about Amway are not unusual, and that the firm has been the target of criticism from a wide variety of quarters over the course of its history.

In the end, the decision to join in the Amway business opportunity or not is a personal one that should be founded on a comprehensive understanding of the company's business strategy, goods, and compensation plan. Participation in the Amway business opportunity is ultimately up to the individual. It is up to each individual to make an educated judgment regarding whether or not the opportunity is suitable for them in order to determine whether or not they will be successful and find fulfillment through their involvement with Amway.

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