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Saturday, August 21, 2021

Amway IBOs Reap What They Sow?

 One of the things that many prospects and IBOs believe is that they will make an investment of time and money into Amway and that they will eventually receive their time and money back in such abundance that they will be able to walk away from their jobs and walk the beaches of the world while earning a lifelong residual income as a result of their Amway business. This belief is supported by numerous studies. I'm curious whether any of you Amway IBOs and prospects can genuinely name even five persons who have actually achieved this goal in your careers. You should keep in mind that millions of other individuals have undoubtedly desired to do the same thing and have attempted Amway's systems just to discover that reality is quite different from what they expected.

Many people are under the impression that they will harvest what they sow. While all of those statements are correct, I suppose the next natural inquiry is: what are you sowing? Are you misleading while you're prospecting for individuals to come view the plan with you? Do you find yourself needing to excuse and conceal price comparisons that are not in your favour? Are you truly selling products to customers and thus qualifying for your Amway bonus? If so, congratulations! Do you have an unfavourable attitude of folks who do not join Amway or who are not interested in seeing the plan (broke losers)? Do you now believe that your boss and your job are inherently evil? Do you leave your children at home while you attend a slew of parties and meetings all at the same time? Isn't it true that you reap what you sow?

I'm curious as to what some WWDB diamonds were planting. Who, at the very least, were evicted from their houses and one in particular was the subject of Chapter 7 bankruptcy proceedings? Is it true that they are reaping what they sowed? What about the diamonds from the WWDB who got divorced? What kind of seeds were they planting? Is the IBO certain that it wants to make the claim of reaping and sowing crops? Joecool the person, like everyone else, has his or her own defects, but the difference is that I am not on stage boasting to be flawless, as many diamonds would imply when they speak (and profit from) their tens of thousands of subordinates. I do not make a living by deceiving people and benefitting from those whom I am meant to be assisting in their endeavours.

Are you getting the benefits of your labour?

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