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Saturday, August 21, 2021

Amway And "Get Rich" Systems

 Based on my Amway experience, blogging experience, and observations of other people who give financial advise, such as real estate gurus who teach you how to acquire property with no money down, or others like Robert Kiyosaki, all show testimonials of successful people. Obviously, they don't show you the great majority of people that try and fail to implement their solutions. They only depict the best-case scenario, which may only represent a fraction of 1% of the people that use their products.

I believe that the vast majority of people that try these systems, whether it is Amway, WWDB, BWW, N21, real estate, or the cashflow business, do not make any meaningful income, if any at all. Sure, some do, and those are the options presented. However, if you watch infomercials, you'll notice "unique experience" written in small language at the bottom of the screen, indicating that your results may differ. A similar phrase, I believe, used to come at the end of Amway diamond recordings.

For a variety of reasons, these systems do not operate in general. Many folks just lack the knowledge required to navigate the system. Alternatively, the system may have too many variables to function properly, or the system may need actions that are beyond your control. For example, success in Amway usually necessitates the sponsorship of others, which is out of most people's control. When you factor in the lazy and those looking for a fast buck, it's easy to see why the majority of individuals will fail. However, these systems are frequently set up in such a way that the majority cannot succeed. That is especially true in the Amway industry, where the pyramidal compensation model almost guarantees failure for lower-level IBOs. It's also worth noting that the standard 6-4-2 Amway plan has 1 platinum and 78 downline. The most, if not all, of these downline members will lose money.

So, what can be done? Although it may not be as seductive or appealing, a part-time work, as well as investing and saving, may be something to consider. Even a part-time business focused on profitably selling things could work. It just seems smart to avoid these "systems," given the "systems'" principal beneficiaries are those who directly profit from them. Make sure you do your homework!

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