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Saturday, August 21, 2021

Amway Makes You "Rich"?

 Amway has the potential to make you wealthy. Many Independent Business Owners (IBOs) claim they were advised that Amway was not a "get rich quick" scheme. However, it is clear that someone must have given them the sense that Amway will eventually make them wealthy; otherwise, why would anyone want to get involved? So why would someone want to put in that much effort and risk being humiliated in front of their friends and family to promote a business that will most likely result in funny glances rather than financial gain. Is it possible to become wealthy with Amway?

Yes, if you are a diamond in the rough, Amway can make you rich if you offer voicemail services, books, standing orders, and function tickets to customers. If you own Amway and sell to millions of Independent Business Owners (IBOs) who "purchase from themselves," Amway can make you wealthy. If you publish a book that millions of Amway Independent Business Owners (IBOs) buy, you could become extremely wealthy. Amway has the potential to make you wealthy if you can build a large enough downline of devoted customers who will continue to purchase items in order to qualify for the bonuses. However, aside from the handful of people I just detailed, the Amway opportunity is more likely to leave you broke, or at the very least lighter on your financial feet.

Almost all Independent Business Owners (IBOs) produce insufficient income to cover their monthly voicemail expenses, let alone the various support materials that are pushed downline in groups such as WWDB or BWW, or N21, among others. When it comes to Amway, these materials are advertised as the "key to success," but in truth, they are the key to success for the uplines who receive a portion of the revenues from these materials. Despite the fact that these materials are touted as essential to success, the uplines manipulate their followers into blaming themselves if the system does not work for them. This is the true kicker. Something along the lines of throwing a coin and declaring, "Heads I win, tails you lose." Your upline wins as long as you continue to purchase support items from them, and your outcomes are of little relevance in their eyes. In fact, they are unlikely to demand fresh diamonds because they would be forced to split the tool money if they did.

So, is it possible to become wealthy through Amway? I would suppose it is conceivable, but it is also possible that you will win the Powerball jackpot, so keep your fingers crossed. To build a platinumship, it usually takes more than 100 downline IBOs to accomplish this goal. In addition, a platinumship occurs less than once per 200 IBOs on average. Moreover, at that level, you are likely to make only a small profit or break even. That tells me a great deal about you. What does it have to say to you?

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