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Saturday, August 21, 2021

The Fruit On The Tree?

 When some Amway apologists recently mentioned looking at the "fruit on the tree" as a way to confirm that particular diamonds were effective, I had a nice laugh. According to one critic, his parents were broke, so he turned to his diamond, which appeared to have fruit on the tree. I considered this idea and agree that perhaps we should consider the fruit of the tree. First and foremost, what is fruit? Is it photographs of expensive stuff or financial documents that are genuine and verified? How would you tell if your diamond is affluent if he owns a Porsche? What if the same diamond was in credit card debt and was only trying to give the appearance of success? You say it's impossible. There have been confirmed reports of diamonds' homes being foreclosed on and other concerns.

Please ask your upline platinum or diamond to show you the fruit on their tree, IBOs and Amway prospects. Inquire about their (corporate) financial statements. This is a frequent technique in the real world of business. When a buddy of mine sold his company a few years ago, he prepared three years' worth of tax returns to present potential buyers. He displayed his personal and corporate tax returns. You have every right to request information/evidence if someone is asking you to do business with them that will need you to invest time and money.

Except for those who had their money revealed in public documents such as a bankruptcy, no bigger pin has ever shown their business financials, as far as I know. Why wouldn't they want to "display their fruit" if it made certain larger pins seem good? They don't mind flaunting their diamond rings, designer outfits, and sports automobiles. Many IBOs don't realise that flashy vehicles and other toys aren't proof of fruit on the tree. The cars may be rented, and the diamond could be underwater in debt.

It has been suggested that some diamonds may hire cars or expensive mansions in order to give the impression that they own them. In the past, some diamonds, possibly many diamonds, lied or embellished the facts about paying cash for everything, even their homes and cars. They've also created the appearance to the audience that these luxuries were all purchased with Amway money, although we know that many diamonds have likely had supplemental income from Amway systems or other business enterprises.

We're also aware that some gems are in debt, but they're merely attempting to depict an extravagant lifestyle. (See Ruth Carter's book, Behind the Smoke and Mirrors: Amway Motivational Organizations.) Even though a diamond earns a lot of money, that doesn't guarantee they're financially independent or able to live the jetset lifestyle that many portray. It's a fantasy to think that you'll be able to bring in new customers.

So, let's take a look at the fruit on the tree. Is there any fruit to be found?

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