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Saturday, August 21, 2021

Making A Living Off Amway?

 I've been blogging for quite some time now, and one of the conclusions I've come to is that there's no defence for arguing the merits of an Amway business when the IBO is a member of a system like WWDB or Network 21. I have no objections to IBOs who join and sell actual things to non-IBO clients, but these types of IBOs are extremely rare. Most IBOs that are committed to a system focus on sponsoring downline because it is the only way to advance to higher levels like emerald or diamond. Many people aim for the emerald or diamond level since it is said to be the point at which an IBI can "walk away" and live off the proceeds for the rest of their lives. Even crown ambassadors have active schedules and have not retired to a quiet life of retirement and untold wealth, which I find hilarious.

In general, a platinum level firm would require approximately 100 IBOs. That's 1% at best, and considerably less when you take into account IBOs that don't do anything or IBOs who start and stop. At the 4000 PV or platinum level, a highly dedicated hard core IBO would only begin to break even or make a small amount of cash, in my opinion. Of course, the form of your firm will influence how much money you can make. Sponsoring depth supposedly provides you greater stability, while sponsoring breadth purportedly brings you more profit. As a result, it's reasonable to assume that just a fraction of one percent of IBOs break even or make a small profit. What true businessman would consider starting a company with a profit margin of less than 1%? Yes, you can argue that Amway is a business and not a game of luck, but making the right selection can help you succeed.

Other considerations that would make Amway unappealing include the fact that its items are generally more expensive (in general) than equivalent or identical products accessible at local merchants. Yes, Amway representatives will talk for quality and concentration, but such claims are justifications for the higher pricing. The vast majority of individuals are content with Walmart's lower prices. IBOs are also prohibited from advertising their products, forcing them to rely on person-to-person marketing, which is perhaps the least successful method of spreading the news. Because of the higher prices and unfamiliar products, many groups have IBOs who "purchase from themselves" to earn their bonuses. Furthermore, whatever incentive that most IBOs obtain is really a partial reimbursement for having overpaid for a product. Not to add that, unless you are at a higher level in the company, your upline(s) receive the majority of the bonus, whether or not they assisted you.

Yes, some people may be able to make money using Amway. Yes, some people make a lot of money using Amway. It is impossible for all IBOs to gain money unless they sell stuff to non-IBOs, and we all know that the majority of IBOs sell nothing or only a few items to others. We also know that the tools systems suck up any tiny bonuses IBOs receive, leaving them with a net loss. Losses for highly dedicated IBOs might run into the thousands of dollars and beyond.

Is it possible to make a life with Amway? It's possible, but it's not likely. But is it a smart idea to start an Amway business and use the resources that come with it? There is no defence for this.

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