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Monday, August 23, 2021

Amway IBOs Miss The Obvious?

 In my perspective, the vast majority of IBOs and prospects are wonderful people who are motivated to get more out of life and who are willing to put forth some work to achieve their goals. Unfortunately, for the vast majority of consumers, their experience with Amway has been one of making nothing or losing money, most likely as a result of the tools and functions that have been promoted by the upline and have been promoted by the downline. I admire IBOs and prospects for their willingness to go above and beyond in order to provide more income for their families. However, far too many IBOs and prospects fail to recognise the obvious warning signs and end up getting trapped in a system in which they have no chance of winning the opportunity they have chosen.

I worked as an IBO for a period of time in my life. There were many things I wanted to do in life, and I was able to accomplish many of them after quitting the Amway organisation.

Please allow me to elaborate. Even if you buy lottery tickets in the goal of winning, you are well aware that your chances of winning the big jackpot or some other significant prize are small to none. Despite the fact that Amway is not a game of chance, your odds of being successful are quite slim. Our company is fully aware that a significant amount of IBOs sign up and then do nothing. We are well aware that many independent business owners (IBOs) will endeavour but will fail very soon once they get started. Most independent business organisations (IBOs) do not survive for more than a few years, and we are well aware of this fact. Knowing this, it is possible to conclude that achieving long-term, sustainable success in Amway is exceedingly difficult at the very least.

People who are in the know, on the other hand, are immediately aware of the "plan" when they see it. Example: If you see someone achieve platinum status with 78 downline (in the common 6-4-2 plna), and you know that many people do nothing or very little and quit, you know that you need to have perhaps 200 IBOs go through your business in order to achieve platinum status, and you have no way of knowing how difficult it will be to maintain that level of achievement. However, my prior sponsor was a platinum, but he never made it past Q12 and was regularly below the 7500 PV threshold. At the time of my final touch with him, he had amassed 2500 PV during his nearly two-decade career in the sector. My former sponsor, when you take into consideration the cost of tools and other corporate expenses, I believe he has incurred significant net losses. Because of his efforts, my prior sponsor was able to sponsor personally over 100 people in my downline as a result of his work with me.

It is the functions that IBOs and prospects are missing that are the next most evident thing to notice. In your travels or attendance at events, it's likely that you've witnessed an audience of tens or hundreds of thousands of people listening to one or a few keynote speakers. This is not expected to change in the immediate future, either. Consider the fact that only one individual in a thousand will ever reach the coveted diamond level after taking all of this into consideration.

However, while some Amway defenders claim that many people join in order to obtain things and make a few dollars per month, I find this to be total rubbish. Were any of you ever present at a presentation where your only choice for taking part in the presentation was to become a member of a buyers club?

or a job where you make $100 a month on average? The presence of opulent yachts and homes, as well as rumours of the diamond being financially free, were evident during my visit (a myth). Those who are able to see through the deception will be confronted with the truth. It's only a matter of whether or not you're aware of it at the time.

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