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Monday, August 23, 2021

Following The Journey Of A WWDB IBO

I've been reading the journal of an IBO who is currently stationed in the WWDB LOS. The bottom line is, I believe the person is a dedicated worker who only wants what's best for his family. The problem, in my opinion, is that he appears to have fallen prey to the lie that was and continues to be taught by WWDB and others. Joecool has been questioned by pro-Amway individuals who claim that my experience is obsolete and insufficient. Nonetheless, the fact that it is appearing in the journal of a contemporary WWDB IBO pretty much confirms that the same material taught in the late 1990s is still being taught now. There is only one distinction, in my opinion, in that the WWDB leaders are not lying about no one making a cent of profit from their products. Despite the fact that they have their own take on it as well.

Ironically, the motto on his website is "Sto Pro Veritate," which translates as "I stand for the truth." It is reasonable to assume that Shaun believes what his upline claims to be the truth, but his blog is loaded with content that is questionable, but Shaun believes since his upline says so. I was once a victim of this fraud, but only after several months did I discover what I had been duped. Because your sponsor or upline is frequently a friend or family member, it can be difficult to tell the difference. They persuade you to agree on a variety of matters in order to establish a level of trust and reduce your level of commitment. Shaun is an excellent illustration of this.

Basically, Shaun's wife became interested, and then Shaun himself became involved. In March 2010, the pair reached 1000 PV and even uploaded copies of their checks on the internet. Since then, there has been no sign of any further progress being made. Considering the nature of the site in question, I would expect any new pin level to have been covered in a post that was newsworthy. Shaun's blog has become more boring in recent months, and he no longer allows comments, which is an interesting development in and of itself. Shaun wrote in 2009 that why wouldn't someone want to work hard for 2-3 years and then never have to do it again was a valid question. 2012 is just around the corner, marking around three years since he began. Consider this food for thought.

The following are some of the most fascinating things that can be discovered on the website:

The pair want to purchase a house outright with cash.

They denied that Greg Duncan (one of their mentors) had any financial difficulties.

IBOs in the Amway/WWDB system have a 2 percent divorce rate, compared to a 60 percent divorce rate for the general population.

It is expected that Double Eagle Rubies will earn $117,500 in 2011.

In November 2011, it will be possible to opt out of your job.

I am debt-free (True, but sold their home and cashed in 401K to do so)

Here's an example of a recent quote: "Some of our ambitions are quite lofty, and today, the dream of owning an aircraft was at the forefront of our considerations. Don't laugh; instead, pursue your own ambition!"

Now, allow me to express my best wishes to Shaun and his family. I hope he achieves success and is able to realise his ambitions and objectives, but I hope this does not come at the expense of his downline. My concern is that his leadership at WWDB is evidently teaching him the same nonsense that I witnessed as an Independent Business Owner, while also filling his heart with false aspirations and ambitions that are unlikely to ever come true. Even the minuscule percentage of people that do succeed in Amway do so at the expense of their loyal downline, which is a sad state of affairs. It appears that Amway accreditation had no effect on the content or style of instruction provided by these LOSs. I will continue to track his growth in the hopes that he may finally see through the facade he has built around himself.

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