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Monday, August 23, 2021

Back To The Future - Amway and WWDB?

 I'm still reading the blog of a current WWDB IBO, which I found interesting. The things he speaks about demonstrate that the same same teaching remains today as it did back in the 1990s, when I was an International Business Organization (IBO). The fact that Amway implemented an accreditation programme for AMOs (tool sellers) and despite assertions by Amway and WWDB appologists that things have changed for the better notwithstanding, this is the case. There are several quotes from the blog that make it clear to me how WWDB and Amway are essentially the same today as they were 13-14 years ago, as follows:

On a different issue, I have serious doubts that someone like John Maxwell would put his ethics and reputation at danger by associating with World Wide Dreambuilders, given that he is the world's finest teacher on leadership. But who knows what John knows, eh?

My interest is piqued when I see the motivational and teaching conferences that World Wide Group organises, and I become even more pumped when the tickets go on sale. I get pumped up because I enjoy the association and vibe created by the entire event.

My approach to training, conferences, and motivation is the same regardless of whether it is for my day job or for my part-time business. I know I receive more value out of WWDB events since they help us take our business forward and motivate us for the next three months, which is something I appreciate. Everyone, including ourselves, requires motivation, so what exactly is the problem? Many individuals make a nice living from motivational speaking, and I'll gladly pay for it if it gets me moving in the right direction.

Looking to the future, we are quite excited to hit Double Eagle Ruby late next year, at which point I will be walking away from my profession so that I never have to work for another man's dream again and can give my all to them and their endeavours. I am confident that we will put forth significant effort to ensure that my children always have me at home when they require assistance and do not have to wait for me to return home from work. I look forward to the days when we can take our children out to the ski hill during the weekdays rather than on weekends, when it is less crowded and less crowded.

One of the things I enjoy about being on the board of directors or integrating guests into other programmes is the atmosphere that individuals create. Walking into someone's home and seeing a dreamboard or objectives scribbled all over the place is one of my favourite things to do in life. These are those who are preparing to go on. I've said it before, but if you want to attain your aspirations and goals, you need to put them down on paper first.

In the process of demanding more and more of our free time at the lowest possible rate from us, our free time is steadily disappearing. It's depressing to see how far our culture has fallen.

This is one of the primary reasons why my wife and I are establishing this company. I don't want to be on call or be reliant on my phone for professional purposes any more.

We will be attending Moving Up the day before Family Reunion, which we are quite excited about. A leadership motivation for obtaining Double Eagle or 7500 PV is the ability to move up the corporate ladder.

As a result, we will be renting in Edmonton for the next 2-3 years before relocating to Kelowna, where we had always desired to raise our family. As soon as we go out there, we'll rent for a few more years to acquire a feel for the area and then either buy a property and build it in cash or buy a property and build it in cash. Make fun of me, tell me it won't happen, tell me I'm insane, but I'm going to do it. The more you tell me I can't do something, the more it will only fuel my determination to do it. So let's get this party started.

We began making preparations for my wife's freedom day this past weekend. What exactly is "Freedom Day"? Freedom Day is the day on which she is given the option of working or not working. Sure, she could keep working and let another man decide when she can take lunch, when she has to report to work, and how late she has to stay... A third option is to opt out of work altogether and instead choose to wake up whenever she wants and pretty much do anything she wants with her day instead.

A healthy firm will always experience ups and downs, and World Wide Dreambuilders is experiencing a resurgence right now. People from our neighbourhood as well as other areas will be participating in Diamond Qualification, I promise you that much. The individuals on the outside who aren't involved in the construction of this company have no notion.

The most important thing I took away from yesterday night was to never let somebody take your dream from under your nose. What exactly does this mean? This means that no matter what kind of desire or goal you have set for yourself in life, you must not allow anyone to convince you that you cannot achieve it. The word "can't" is used by those who are negative or broke. It is reserved for the feeble-minded who merely make excuses for their failures and who want to pull you down by telling you that you are unable to do something in the first place.

Yet another point that is more directly connected to our business is that every business has negative publicity associated with it, and someone is always prepared to write something about everything. Examine Wallmart, which is one of the world's largest corporations, and conduct a fast search on Google to see how many lawsuits they've been involved in. This is something that many successful firms have, and Amway Global is not the first nor the last to have it.

My mindset and perspective have transformed from being a career-minded person to being an entrepreneur focused on developing a business that would eventually allow me to step away from my work and devote my time and energy to other things, such as my family and wife.

They have quit their full-time jobs because of the business we are in, and my wife and I will be doing the same in a short period of time provided we work hard and with perseverance and consistency in our endeavours. There is no option for failure, and there is no option for turning back... there is only one option: FREEDOM!

How many times have you heard someone say, "I adore my job" or something similar? Most likely a great deal. You know what, though? This is the biggest fabrication of all. Why? How much more do you like your career than you adore spending time with your family? Is your career more important to you than spending time with your spouse? Do you enjoy nothing more than taking trips to different parts of the world as part of your job? If you answered yes, you need to have your head examined immediately.

Instead of working your tail hard for 2-3 years, wouldn't it be preferable to have the rest of your life to yourself so that you don't have to sacrifice time for money? Consider the implications of this.

In the realm of multi-level marketing, the phrase "Back to the Future" refers to something very different than the time-traveling and action-packed adventures that come to mind when you hear it. In the context of Amway and WWDB (World Wide Dream Builders), "Back to the Future" refers to a contentious training program that has been utilized by some Amway distributors to expand their businesses. The program is known as "World Wide Dream Builders."

In the 1980s, a group of Amway distributors who held high-ranking positions came together to develop the WWDB training system. This system's goal is to educate new Amway distributors on how to establish profitable companies selling Amway products. The training materials, seminars, and events that are included in the system are all geared toward assisting distributors in improving their sales abilities and recruiting new members to join the organization.

The "Back to the Future" method is recognized as one of the most important components of the WWDB training system. Utilizing historical data to locate Amway distributors who were successful and then recreating their business practices and marketing approaches in order to achieve the same level of achievement is the method behind this methodology. The goal is to show new Amway distributors how to develop a successful business by analyzing the strategies that have already been implemented by successful businesspeople in the company.

The "Back to the Future" technique may appear to be a harmless and efficient way to learn from the accomplishments of others; yet, it has been condemned by some as a cult-like strategy that encourages mindless adherence to the system and discourages independent thought. This is despite the fact that the "Back to the Future" technique may look like a harmless and efficient way to learn from the triumphs of others. Critics assert that the WWDB training method places an excessive amount of focus on recruiting new members into the business rather than on selling items, and that this can create a climate that is pressurized and manipulative, which is harmful to personal relationships.

In spite of these criticisms, a significant number of Amway distributors have achieved success by making use of the WWDB training system. These individuals contend that the "Back to the Future" strategy is an effective method for learning and development. They are under the impression that by analyzing the achievements of others, they will be able to avoid making the same errors and accomplish their objectives in a shorter amount of time.

On the other hand, it is essential to keep in mind that Amway and WWDB are not the only strategies to develop a profitable multi-level marketing business. There is a wide variety of training systems and approaches that can be utilized, and it is up to every individual distributor to determine which mode of operation is most suitable for them.

It is necessary to conduct study and analyze the WWDB training system and the "Back to the Future" strategy objectively before deciding whether or not to use them to expand your Amway business. If you are considering employing either of these methods, it is best to do so. Think about the things that are said about the system, as well as the things that are said about its triumphs, and decide if those things correspond with your own personal values and views.

Working diligently, devoting oneself, and conducting one's business in an honest manner are ultimately the most important factors that determine whether or not a multi-level marketing business will be successful. You may construct a successful and sustainable business that is built to last if you place a strong emphasis on building good relationships with both your customers and your team, and if you constantly provide value to your customers through the products and services that you provide.

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