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Monday, August 23, 2021

How To Maximize Your Earnings In Amway?

 What is the best strategy to optimise your Amway earnings? Simply said, you should encourage your downline to attend more functions. You are in charge of and profit from these functions! If a member of your downline attends the same function again, you will earn twice as much as they did the first time. Even better, encourage your downline to incorporate the idea into his own. Shaun, one of our friends, has been taken in by the hook, line, and sinker.

Wait, wait, wait, did you say Dream Nights in the singular or in the plural? Do you want more than one? That can't possibly be true; how could you possibly attend more than one Dream Night? I have a feeling my upline is pressuring or coercing me into attending more than one because, after all, it is the same thing every night. Who do the organisers of the World Wide Group's Dream Nights, which include two in Edmonton and one in Calgary, as well as others across Canada, believe they are entertaining? But hold just a minute, there is more! A Night to Remember in Saskatoon?? What? Is there expansion in another province? It must have been all of those Edmontonians who travelled 6 1/4 hours and 525 kilometres to make that fantasy night a reality earlier this week. So, does this mean that people will be attending four different dream parties? When does it come to an end? Will the thrills and spills ever come to an end? I should call Amway, World Wide Group, the police, the Federal Trade Commission, and the media since this is complete nonsense.

Not at all, it is called growing, and I have a confession to make: I have attended or will be attending two Dream Nights this week, which is a first for me. Yes, it is correct. We went to the meeting last night and will go to the meeting tonight out of our own free will, without any cohesion, guilt, or pressure, etc... Both nights will feature distinct venues and speakers; in fact, due to the increased demand, one of the nights will be held at the Shaw Conference Centre. It would appear to be overkill or a waste of money to put it up at this location if there were no signs of growth in the region, don't you think? To be completely honest, I have no idea how many people will be attending each event because I am not hosting it, and I have no interest in knowing who will be attending more than one. I am only concerned about my wife and our business.

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