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Monday, August 23, 2021

Why Do Amway Uplines Control And Manipulate Information?

 Recently, we've had a new site visitor who runs his own pro-Amway blog and only permits positive comments about the company. He maintains that his blog is not intended to be a platform for debate, but rather to promote Amway and create a pleasant environment for his independent business owners (IBOs). He "says" that his group and pin level were "pretty important," but he won't say where he made a single cent of profit in the process. Technically, his profit is meaningless if every member of his downline is losing money. This "leader" claims to be affiliated with the BWW. I believe BWW and WWDB are the worst AMOs out there, taking every penny possible from their downlines by offering them ineffective products and seminars, as far as I am aware.

What I don't understand is his adamant unwillingness to allow genuine comments on his site to be posted. One specific example would be his claim that Robert Kiyosaki is a multi-billionaire in a social media post. Anyone with access to the internet can now verify that this is wrong in less than a minute. As soon as I pointed it out to him, his blog was updated, but he refused to publish my remark. Now, either the blog author was completely unaware of the situation, or he may have lied until he was exposed, after which he attempted to quietly amend his post to reflect the truth. According to my way of thinking, this is the type of sneaky leader with whom I would not want to be affiliated because he is unwilling to confess when he is wrong. Most likely, this is the type of boss that wants his subordinates to blindly follow him, even when he is blatantly wrong. He then gave Joecool some private letters to explain why he doesn't want my accurate and respectful comments to be posted on his website.

He appears to be attempting to maintain control over the information that is distributed to prospects and members of his IBO downline. As a result, some people have compared Amway to a cult as a result of this. Because the leaders have complete control over information and attempt to mould the way their subordinates think and react to specific situations as well as respond to particular queries in a specific manner. In order to describe this, numerous detractors have invented the term "tapespeak." The remarks about critical blogs being "bathroom walls" are a good example of this. Contrary to expectations, IBOs are the ones who are throwing dirt on the bathroom walls. There have been countless insults and veiled threats left by pro-MLMers on this page. They unwittingly harm Amway's reputation as well as their own. I'm merely expressing my personal experience and information regarding the Amway business; yet, because it does not align with the Amwayer's pro-Amway and pro-system viewpoint, they retaliate with name calling and threats against me and my family. Joecool doesn't say much about them, but this does.

These information-controlling uplines, in my opinion, are insidious and should be avoided at all costs. They seek to mould your way of thinking and then take you to the cleaners as a result. At a time, only one function or one standing order will be executed. If you put in the effort to find the information, it will be there for you.

As an AI language model, I am unable to speak on behalf of each and every Amway Independent Business Owner (IBO), as each person possesses their very own distinct perspectives and ways of behaving. Nevertheless, there are a few possible explanations for why some Amway uplines might be seen as controlling and manipulating the information they pass on to their downlines:

Desire for control: Some Amway uplines may feel the need to retain a tight control over their downlines in order to ensure that they are successful. This may be due to the fact that they desire to assure the success of their downlines. This could give the impression that information is being manipulated, as well as that an attempt is being made to restrict their downline's access to information from outside sources.

Fear of the competition: In some instances, Amway uplines may feel threatened by outside sources of information and fear that their downlines may be swayed by alternative ideas or business prospects. In other words, they may be concerned that their downlines may be influenced to leave the company. This could give the impression that information was manipulated in order for the upline to keep control over the downline.

Misinformation: Due to a lack of understanding or experience, some Amway uplines may unwittingly provide erroneous or misleading information to their Amway downlines. This can result in the impression that information has been manipulated, even if this was not the case intentionally.

Amway uplines may feel a responsibility to safeguard the reputation of the company as well as their personal business by exercising control over the information that is communicated to their downlines. This is done in order to protect the business. This may give the impression that information has been manipulated in order to ensure that their downline is receiving information that is both true and positive regarding the firm and the products it sells.

It is essential to keep in mind that despite the fact that some Amway uplines may be regarded as controlling and manipulating information, this is not typical of all Amway uplines or the organization as a whole. Uplines in Amway are urged to supply their downlines with information that is both factual and helpful in order to foster the culture of openness and open communication that the company fosters.

In conclusion, although there is a possibility that some Amway uplines are regarded as controlling and manipulating information, the firm does not condone this behavior and it does not correspond with the ideals that it upholds. Amway strongly recommends that its uplines conduct themselves in an open and honest manner in all parts of their businesses, and that they place the health and prosperity of their downlines as their first priority.

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