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Monday, August 23, 2021

IBOFB In Denial About Amway?

 A recent remark on the Unhappy Franchisee Blog reads as follows:

the 12th of January, 2012 at 8:01 pm by DoAsISay

Thank you for your response, Joecool. Based from past posts, I've concluded that the IBOFB is delusional about Amway and its legitimacy as a firm. I may also assume that he may be suffering from some mental disorders as a result of the brainwashing he has gotten over the course of his years spent around ambots. It is quite unfortunate that this type of business behaviour has been allowed to continue for so long without being stopped. MLM enterprises have been sued for being declared illegal in the past, and the only ones to survive were those with millions of dollars or more in their bank accounts and highly compensated attorneys on their side to fight the lawsuit. The reason these so-called leaders tell you not to investigate Amway on the internet is to keep you from discovering that you will soon be brainwashed into thinking, talking, acting, and eating in the same manner as everyone else without ever realising it. My upline proposed that we consume the food provided by our company, and that was the end of it. He advised eating 2-3 bars every day and drinking 2 drinks from the establishment. For starters, I only drink water from a tap, which costs me next to nothing to operate. Second, I do not believe that eating only bars, with no real food entering your body, is particularly healthful. Your body requires the nutrients found in genuine fruits, vegetables, meats, dairy products, and grains to function properly. Something that will not be provided exclusively by eating establishments. The final thing I want to say about their sub-par products is that anyone who pays more than $45 for a case of "ideal" water is in desperate need of assistance. With the exception of the humans who drink it, there is nothing exceptional about that water. IBOFB, are you interested in learning how to make more money than you did/are making selling Amway? Make a point of filling your ideal water bottles with water from a water source. Examples include: a faucet, a local stream, or even the next time it rains to replenish your supplies. This is the most difficult phase of the process. Remove the labels from your bottles and replace them with your company's logo and a catchy moniker such as "healing water." I realise that wasn't very clever, but that's exactly why you're going to make millions. Make $40 a case of water because you must be lower than the competition if you want to sell your goods. You and I both know that consumers are price sensitive and will "usually" choose the less expensive yet comparable product over the more expensive but less comparable product. You have everything you need for the rest of your life! You will no longer have to be concerned about a $1 bill in the future. Oh, and one more thing: everything above is merely "my opinion." The company has taught me that if you use the phrase "in my opinion" before or after any remark you make, it is acceptable to lie or stretch the truth a little farther.

IBOFB, which stands for "Independent Business Owners Fight Back," is a website and forum that is devoted to helping Independent Business Owners (IBOs) in the Amway company with information and support. Even though the website asserts that it is objective and provides support for Independent Business Owners (IBOs), there are others who believe that it gives an inaccurate and skewed portrayal of the Amway opportunity.

One of the most popular complaints about IBOFB is that it teaches Independent firm Owners (IBOs) to ignore the difficulties and restrictions that come with running an Amway firm. For instance, some Independent Business Owners (IBOs) on the site argue that anyone can attain financial freedom in Amway with enough hard work and devotion, while downplaying concerns such as market saturation, product pricing, and the expensive expenditures of maintaining the requisite level of volume in their business.

Another problem with IBOFB is that it has a tendency to foster a culture that places blame on others and emphasizes their status as victims. Instead of accepting responsibility for their own actions and choices, some Independent Business Owners on this site place the blame for their lack of success on external causes such as unfavorable media coverage, regulations imposed by the government, or the acts of their upline.

IBOFB is accused of creating a false sense of community and support among Independent firm Owners (IBOs), while simultaneously ignoring or discounting the experiences of Independent Business Owners who have left the firm or encountered unfavorable effects. When former Independent Business Owners (IBOs) express their negative experiences or complaints about Amway on the company's website, other members of the community may respond by attacking or ignoring them.

IBOFB may give some useful information and support for IBOs, but it is vital to approach it with a critical eye and a grasp of the limitations and problems of the Amway business. In general, while IBOFB may supply some of this, it is important to approach it with a critical eye. When determining whether or not the Amway opportunity has the potential to be successful, it is essential to take into account a wide range of points of view and information sources. These should include the experiences of previous Independent Business Owners (IBOs) as well as outside experts.

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