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Wednesday, August 25, 2021

Amway - A Million Dollar Business?

 Thousands of IBOs believe they would labour for 2-5 years, build a million-dollar business, and then retire to the beach anywhere in the globe while money pours into their bank accounts. This is a common misconception. Unfortunately, the majority of IBOs will never come close to realising the dreams that were sold to them when they first joined the company. This, in my opinion, is the most serious crime in the entire situation. To instil false aspirations and dreams in someone's mind, and then profit from them by selling them equipment that will not assist them in realising those hopes and dreams. In reality, the cost of tools is one of the factors that contributes to the financial disaster of some independent business owners.

The vast majority of independent business owners will never sponsor a downline, and many IBOs will never even have a single customer. What kind of business may achieve astronomical levels of success and profitability without a large number of customers? It appears that this distorted concept of buying from yourself as a means of being successful in business can be found only in Amway and certain other MLM offshoots, among other places. Many people will invest in the company and give it a go because they really want it to be true. Afterwards, when progress stalls or it becomes painfully clear that things aren't going as planned, they feel frustrated and decide to abandon ship. Most IBOs stop and never complain, either out of a sense of shame, or perhaps because they don't want to bring any negative attention to their friends and family who sponsored them.

In order to evaluate a million-dollar firm, I would encourage prospects to visit one. Investigate some larger businesses in the mall by visiting them in person. Is your Amway business similar to it in any way? If so, how? Do you have a number of consumers that corresponds to a million-dollar business? Is your upline diamond actually running a multimillion-dollar enterprise or is their primary source of income simply selling you standing orders and function tickets? On the surface, it appears that standing orders and functions are a multimillion-dollar industry. Customers of the product and its functions include a large number of unknowing IBOs. Unfortunately, there is no neutral documented evidence that the tools do anything other than make your upline's wealthy, which is unfortunate.

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