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Wednesday, August 25, 2021

Comment By A "Serious IBO"?

 This comment was left on my site the other day, and the commenter identified himself as "serious ibo" in the comment. It's a fantastic read, and it includes a lot of classic tapespeak throughout. Enjoy!

"Amway is effective. The question is whether or not you will be able to make it work. It's a ruse. LOL!!! This is not a job where you can exchange hours for bucks or vice versa. This is a commercial venture. Obviously, if you are not willing to BUILD your own revenue, this is not the business for you. A 25-year-old Ibo achieved platinum status with a group of 28 other Ibos. The only thing you have to do is persuade your relatives and friends to assist you by purchasing a product that they already use but is of a higher quality brand. Because once people learn that you are receiving a $400 check for selling certain things, they will step up to sponsor people on your behalf, saving you the trouble of having to recruit a large number of people. The business concept is quite straightforward. In the event that you were unsuccessful, it was most likely because you were focusing on the OLD business model of sponsor, sponsorship, and more sponsor. It is really difficult to construct it in this manner. I tried to create it that way for eight months and spoke with over 150 people, but no one was interested in getting started. I became dissatisfied.

However, if you concentrate on selling products (as the avon and Mary Kay businesses do), sponsorship will occur as a result of people noticing your enthusiasm and your checks. Even if you sponsor only 5 individuals and they sponsor only 5 people, and those ibos generate 300 pv personal circle with consumers and personal volume, you will be considered a new silver producer. 7500 watts of power! If your primary concentration is on product sales. It is no longer necessary to have 100 people to become platinum!! In two years, I'll be able to retire my wife. shortly after she receives her diploma She's 22 and I'm 23. Thank you very much, Amway!"

By a Serious International Business Organization

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