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Wednesday, August 25, 2021

IBOFightback Desperation?

 "So I guess that implies you believe Joecool is a paid anti-Amway shill?" says IBOFightback.

This is a desperate attempt to shift attention away from Joecool's situation. LOL. Joecool is not rewarded in any way, shape, or form for the time he spends writing for Joecool's blogs. The reason why I blog and share my experiences is to provide knowledge to people who are unaware of what they are getting themselves into. Numerous people have written to me over the years to express their appreciation for the information I have shared with them. I am grateful to each and every one of them.

While supporters of my former LOS, WWDB, assert that "things have changed," there is a great deal of evidence to suggest that nothing has changed in the least. Despite the fact that internet ordering is available, the system still includes voicemail (WTF - who needs voicemail these days? ), standing orders, books, and other features. It appears like the same old, jaded leaders are continuing to teach the same old material.

The system is being pushed to its limits. Leaders are still attempting to woo prospects by displaying their wealth. Leaders, it appears, continue to preach the mantra that diamonds pay in cash for anything and everything.

The amount of harm that has been done to people's lives and wallets is one of the reasons why I write this blog. However, the falsehoods and deception I've witnessed from LOS leaders have not been put an end to them. While I am unable to stop it, I can share knowledge through this site, which has amassed a significant amount of readership over the years. In our long-running dispute, IBOFB has conceded defeat, and I believe he has done so because I am rooted in the truth and my own personal experiences. He mostly relies on anecdotes and memories of a purportedly successful firm he once owned, which he allegedly "gave" to his (ex) wife as part of a divorce settlement to support himself. You'd think that if Amway was so important to David/IBOFB, he'd do everything in his power to protect his Amway business.

He wants to suggest that Joecool is a paid anti-Amway blogger in an attempt to deflect attention away from himself, and this is a desperate attempt. LOL First and foremost, I'm more anti-LOS than I am anti-Amway. Then there's the question of how you can stand up for a company with a shocking failure rate. What kind of individual would do something like that? That is something I will leave up to my readers to decide.

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