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Wednesday, August 25, 2021

IBOs = Free Advertising For Amway?

 From the perspective of a manufacturer, this makes perfect sense. You do not have to pay for advertising.

In a sense, Amway Independent Business Owners (IBOs) donate or devote a significant portion of their spare time to promoting Amway's products and services. Attempting to start a (fake) friendly conversation with a complete stranger at the local Barnes and Noble or local eateries or the local supermarket results in completely free advertising for Amway at work, school, in the office, at their church, and during family barbeques. Some have coined the term "stalking" to describe IBOs who are constantly on the lookout for new prospects.

That's great for Amway, to say the least, is the first response. But how did you get the idea that it was beneficial to your health in the first place? It's understandable why Walmart or Costco would want to sell you products at a higher price while also paying you to do all of their advertising for them for free.

A large number of customers and consumers would recognise that their time is valuable and would remember to factor it into the price of the products they are purchasing. Finally, they would say something like: "Oh, hold on! As a result, I'm paying more for the product while also providing free advertising to the company! In addition to receiving free advertising, it is the IBOs who recruit other salespeople to join the company and to advertise and push Amway products on behalf of the company.

In Amway's case, most people aren't going to notice because they are looking at their phones for dollar signs. They have "dreams" of walking the beaches while the money pours in from all directions. Amway and alternative marketing organisations (AMOs) such as WWDB or Network 21 persuade people that by engaging in this behaviour, they are actually making themselves wealthy rather than incurring debt. They appear to be able to persuade others to overlook obvious realities, such as the fact that your company is losing money as a result of standing orders and functions. It will be ingeniously disguised as an investment in your company, or as evidence that you are developing as a person, or as evidence that true success is just around the corner.

Amway is currently spending money on advertising, but I feel this is mostly to give their independent business owners (IBOs) some legitimacy. "See, Amway advertises on national television," they can point out. "How can they be a scam?" you might wonder. In truth, I do not believe that Amway advertising dollars have made a meaningful difference in the bottom lines of the majority of independent business owners.

Recent reports from Amway and some of their supporters indicate that IBO retention is on the rise in the United States and Canada. Although they present no evidence or even hint that IBOs are lucrative, their report is nonetheless compelling.

Amway, like many other organizations that engage in direct selling, places a significant amount of emphasis on the role of its independent business owners (IBOs) in the promotion and sale of the company's products. IBOs are effectively the company's sales force, and as such, their accomplishments directly impact the overall performance of the business.

When speaking in support of the Amway business opportunity, one point that is frequently brought up is that Independent Business Owners (IBOs) are able to provide the firm with free advertising in exchange for promoting the company's goods and services. IBOs, or Independent Business Owners, are thought to be Amway's version of "walking billboards," and the idea is that by spreading the word about the firm and the items it sells, IBOs contribute to the expansion of brand awareness and increase the volume of sales.

Although there is some merit to this argument, it is essential to keep in mind that Independent Business Owners (IBOs) are not merely the company's passive representatives in the marketplace. They are self-employed business owners who are actively establishing their own companies, and the success or failure of their enterprises is ultimately contingent on the efforts and capabilities of the business owners themselves.

It is also important to keep in mind that Independent Business Owners (IBOs), even though they may be advocating the Amway brand, are in direct competition with other IBOs who are pushing the exact same products and services. This indicates that Independent Business Owners (IBOs) are required to not only advertise the company, but also distinguish themselves from the other IBOs in order to be successful and stand out from the crowd.

In addition, the concept that independent business owners (IBOs) are provided with free advertising is rather deceptive. Although Independent Business Owners (IBOs) do not invest money or time in conventional forms of promotion like television ads or billboards, they do put a significant amount of effort and time into growing their enterprises. This includes investing in their own personal growth as well as making investments such as attending training events and purchasing marketing materials.

IBOs are frequently urged to make purchases of things for their own personal use or for the purpose of reselling them to members of their own families and friends. Although the IBOs may gain from these purchases in terms of their own personal use or possible profit, the firm benefits from them as well because they help boost sales.

In conclusion, while it is true that Independent Business Owners (IBOs) can lend a hand in the promotion of the Amway brand, it is essential to keep in mind that they are not merely the company's passive advertisements. They are independent business owners who are responsible for actively working to grow their own companies, and the success or failure of their firms is ultimately based on the efforts and capabilities that they alone put forward. IBOs devote a substantial amount of time and money into establishing their businesses, and they may also be encouraged to make personal purchases that serve to drive sales for the firm. In addition, while IBOs may not pay for traditional advertising, they do put a significant amount of time and money into building their businesses.

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