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Wednesday, August 25, 2021

My Upline Loves Me?

Some large corporations as well as some individual entrepreneurs have been accused of being "sweat shop proprietors." This is when they take advantage of their employees. A common occurrence in foreign countries is that large corporations hire workers for a very low wage and in bad working conditions. Consider the following scenario: a foreign organisation may have a warehouse full of women and children who work all day in appalling conditions for a few dollars per day. The owners of these businesses stand to profit handsomely because they save a significant amount of money on labour expenditures.

Some uplines function in the same manner as sweat shop proprietors, but in many circumstances, they are worse than sweat shop proprietors because even mistreated workers earn something, even if it is a small amount. Regardless matter how tiny the gain may be, they have made a net profit at the conclusion of the calendar month. The majority of Amway Independent Business Owners (IBOs) spend their money on Amway products, and their uplines take the lion's share of the rebate/bonus that is generated by those sales. In turn, these same uplines attempt to persuade many of their downline to also purchase their system of CDs, books, voicemail, seminars or other functions. It is likely that uplines will earn just as much, if not more, cash from the system than they will from Amway in many instances. And for the downlines who may receive a bonus, the upline will counsel them to reinvest that bonus and any additional funds into the purchase of additional system supplies.

Firece's commitment to the system will be instilled by the same upline that taught him to cheat. Never be late for a function again. Make sacrifices in order to purchase additional books or CDs, and make certain that you are continuously on the lookout for new people to sponsor and add to the system. Joining the Amway system nearly guarantees that you will incur a net loss in the company's business operations. It is for this reason that I continue to write about the characteristics that IBOs and prospects should look for when they are being recruited or indoctrinated into these organisations. It is for this reason that there are so many defenders of Amway, the most of whom are losing money while believing they are still successful because they are following the teachings of their upline. It has been brought up numerous times that there is a "proven system," yet all that the system has shown is that it can almost guarantee that downline IBOs will lose money, almost entirely as a result of the system's expenses.

While I understand that the majority of IBOs will not believe this, I will say it anyhow. Because they are paying their upline to do their labour, independent business owners (IBOs) on the system are likely to be worse off than sweat shop employees. At the very least, sweat shop employees are compensated. Upline will tell you that it is an honour to drive them around or to perform duties for them, and that you should treat it as such. When it comes to meetings and functions, many platinums volunteer as gratis doormen or ushers. Upline profits from functions to the greatest extent possible. It is pure downline exploitation, and I hope that as time goes on, more and more independent business owners would see this. Everything has been meticulously prepared to provide the impression that a downline IBO benefits from "associating" with upline. However, you are not associating; rather, you are performing unpaid labour. Put your hands on your hips for a moment and consider what tangible benefit your company received for all of your effort and money.

Many uplines take advantage of their downline while also instilling in their downline the belief that this is in their best interests. Don't take it at face value!

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