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Wednesday, August 25, 2021

Humorous Site Visitor Comment?

 A comment was left on the blog the day before. My thoughts on the matter are as follows:

The following was written by an anonymous user:

As a result, let me ask you this: what have all of the hours you spend decrying Amway/Quixtar/whatever you want to call it accomplished for you? Yes, I am now employed by Amway. Yes, I am a member of the IBO. Do I believe myself to be an ambot, or whatever other term you want to use to describe me? nope. If you individuals who joined into Amway and become IBO's were lazy and didn't work hard to create your businesses the right way, then I feel sorry for you all. You're a bunch of dunces. You made the decision to spend your money on motivating CDs and cassette tapes. You chose to quit because you were underwhelmed by the lousy advice you received from your upline or because you were simply too lazy to sell, and you decided to shift the blame somewhere else but yourself. I don't understand why people believe that the things are overpriced. I've found that the vitamins are less priced and of higher quality than the vitamins I've found at GNC, Vitamin Shoppe, and other similar establishments. The cleaning products are excellent and significantly less expensive than popular brands such as Lysol, 409, Tide, Gain, Pine Sol, and so on. When compared to sugary drinks like Red Bull, Monster, and other such beverages, the energy drinks are also pretty darn decent. So, one again, I ask you, what exactly is there to criticise? You're terrible at selling goods that are easy to promote, and it's your fault, not the business model's. I don't attend meetings and I don't listen to audio CDs. Every time my upline tells me that I should attend a conference or do something else that I don't want to do, I just reply, "NO, I'm good without it." I get my checks every month, and everything is fine with me. My company is expanding, and I couldn't be more pleased with the results. This entire planet has a problem with putting the blame on others rather than taking responsibility for one's own inequalities. The majority of individuals fail as IBOs because they get pulled into the "GET RICH QUICK" mentality and forget that it is a business in which they must commit TIME and ENERGY in order for it to succeed!! Go open a brick-and-mortar store tomorrow and report back to me on your first week, month, and year in business. Everything I hear is "Amway is a scam!" It's truly terrible how much negativity exists in the world. The same can be said for corporate America and 90 percent of business in general. However, no one appears to have an issue with Wall Street or the financial organisations who scammed taxpayers out of ohh what 150+ BILLION dollars. People, get up and move! Stop acting like sheep! Instead of blaming others for your own stupid blunders, take responsibility for your own actions.

Joe's Observation: Where exactly am I "bashing" AmwayQuixtar?" For the record, I am performing this service as a public service. As a result of the fact that the majority of individuals lose money chasing the American Dream, not doing anything is usually financially beneficial to the majority of people.

Cleaning goods are not generally better or less expensive than those available elsewhere. See my piece from June 29, 2011, which discusses consumer complaints. Energy drinks such as red bull and monstar are available in sugar-free forms, ensuring that they are not entirely loaded with sugar. In addition, they are less expensive than XS drinks.

Take note of how the commentator states that his company is expanding but does not specify whether or not it is making a profit. LOL After that, the commenter accuses corporate America of being a hoax. What does it matter if it is? It doesn't seem to absolve Amway of any responsibility, does it? Thanks for the feedback, which resulted in a few good laughs.

People are able to communicate information, views, and ideas on a large scale through the use of websites and blogs. And despite the fact that the internet may be a very serious place, it is never a bad idea to sprinkle some humor into the mix. Because of this, it is not unusual to come across an amusing comment left by a site visitor while you are surfing the internet.

A statement that was made on a website by a visitor and is intended to be funny or lighthearted is known as a comical site visitor comment, and it is exactly what it sounds like. These remarks can be delivered in a variety of formats, ranging from humorous one-liners to extended anecdotes or jokes.

One of the many advantages of site visitor comments that are hilarious is that they can help break up the monotony of a lengthy article or blog post. They also have the potential to assist in the development of a sense of community among the readers, as individuals like to form bonds with one another over a similar sense of humor.

But how exactly does one go about writing a witty visitor comment for a website that sticks out from the crowd? Here are some pointers to consider:

Be original.

Original and one-of-a-kind site visitor remarks are always the most entertaining and amusing to read. Make an effort to think of a funny or clever remark that hasn't been said or written about before. If you really want to set yourself out from the crowd, you're going to have to put in some work here.

Maintain an acceptable tone.

It is vital to keep in mind that even if comedy is wonderful, you are still commenting on the website or blog of someone else. Be sure that your sense of humor is appropriate for both the audience and the subject being discussed. Stay away from jokes and statements that could be considered offensive to other people.

Use sarcasm or satire.

The use of sarcasm and satire as comedic devices, particularly when done in an astute manner, may be very funny. It can be highly effective if you can find a way to make light-hearted fun of the subject matter or the author in a way that doesn't come off as being malicious.

Create a sense of familiarity.

When humor is able to resonate on a personal level with the audience, it tends to be more successful. Make an effort to find a way to link your joke or comment to something the author has written about or to a regular occurrence that the majority of people can identify with.

An example of a comical post made by a site visitor is as follows:

"As soon as I finished reading your piece on how to cut costs, I went out and purchased a yacht. Even though I am broke at the moment, at least I can boast that I own a yacht. Thank you so much for the helpful advise!"

This remark, despite the fact that it is patently intended to be funny, is relevant to the subject matter of the essay and brings a touch of lightheartedness to what can otherwise be a weighty subject.

In conclusion, amusing site visitor comments can be an excellent way to add some fun and entertainment to the world of the internet. You will be able to generate a comment that stands out and gives a reader with a moment of levity if you follow the recommendations that have been provided above. Therefore, the next time you are perusing a website or blog, you should not be hesitant to share some comedy with the community!

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