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Wednesday, August 25, 2021

AccordingTo Amway.....

 I was disputing with (supposedly) an Amway Independent Business Owner (IBO) last week. I had previously said that the average monthly salary of an Amway IBO was $202 per month. I decided to check this out, and when I went to, I saw that the most current update showed that the average income of "active" Amway IBOs is $183 per month, which I thought was really good. However, only 53% of IBOs are now in operation. As a result, if we were to calculate the genuine average income of all IBOs, we would find that it is less than $100 per month. I should point you that diamonds, emeralds, and crown ambassadors are all included in the average income. Consider the possibility that, with all of those Amway "gazillionaires," the average monthly income is $183.

However, I will acknowledge that averages can be deceiving. If you took the average of my bet worth and Bill Gates' bet worth, my net worth would be in the billions. I feel that the median income, or the average minus the top and bottom 10 percent, is the most accurate measure of wealth. That would result in an average monthly income of less than $20, in my opinion, if we followed this path. When you view the standard 6-4-2 plan, or some other similar version, you will notice that the lowest level is the majority, and if these IBOs moved 100 PV, they would earn an average of $10 each month. The most successful IBOs, as well as those who accomplished nothing, would be disregarded.

Many Amway defenders will assert that they are unique or that they will persevere and achieve success in the long run. And that's perfectly great with me. I am aware that some people are successful with Amway and earn a respectable income. The question remains, what are the chances of it happening for a potential who enters today? When rounded to the nearest whole number, a person who joins today has a zero percent chance of succeeding in his or her endeavours. The items are not competitively priced, and the Amway name has a tarnished reputation in the nations where the company works, according to the company. You will never be able to reach the greatest levels in Amway if you are unable to recruit downline. People do make an effort to succeed, which is why newcomers phone everyone they know in an attempt to persuade them to see the vision.

Although you may be able to show some ideas and sponsor some downline, your chances of success are still little to none because approximately half of all IBOs accomplish nothing and give up within a short period of time. Furthermore, the vast majority of IBOs never sponsor anyone in their downline. If you are unable to recruit downline and the products are pricey, you are at such a severe disadvantage that it is comparable to trying to swim while wearing lead weights around your waist. You might be able to swim for a time, but ultimately the weight will overcome you and you will sink. The same may be said for a new IBO who is attempting to create a business.

The magical goal is to generate a stream of passive income in the long run. Finally, I'll get to the meat of the matter. The pursuit of residual passive income is similar to the pursuit of the end of a rainbow. You can only look at it; you cannot touch it. Alternatively, it's like Sasquatch (Bigfoot). It's something that almost everyone has heard about. Some people have claimed to have seen and interacted with the creature, but there is no credible evidence that it actually exists, just as there is no credible evidence that an Amway diamond who created a business and walked away is now living off residual passive income from Amway. At no point has any IBO or Amway supporter been able to name and prove the existence of even one single IBO who has accomplished this feat throughout the course of the years. I'm still waiting, but I'm not putting my hopes in anyone.

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