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Friday, August 27, 2021

Amway Prosperity Preachers?

 Some of the things emphasised by upline to sell IBOs and recruits on the Amway business were family values, which I recall being one of those things. That the male would perform the labour and that the wife would take care of the children was the agreement. I also overheard various uplines preaching about how God wants you to be wealthy or how Amway is a God-pleasing business, which I found to be disturbing. Alternatively, it could be argued that the business is more about friendships than it is about money.

When I think about it, I wonder how God would feel about uplines that lied to their groups about tool earnings. If uplines take advantage of their downline in order to succeed, I wonder how God would feel about it. If uplines advised downlines to skip paying their rent or mortgages so that they could attend a function, I'm not sure how God would feel about it. Another option is to have your family skip meals so that you can purchase additional standing orders. I'm curious how God would react if IBOs began to worship diamonds, money, and other material possessions. As absurd as it may seem, these are true statements I overheard while working as an IBO, and what's even more absurd is that I believe some of these statements are still taught today. There is a great deal of evidence and testimony that many of these practises continue to be practised in the modern era.

According to the Good Book (the Bible), the desire for money leads to a variety of evils. (Timothy) I feel that the upline had a genuine interest in developing training for their company at one point. However, what actually happened was that GREED took over and ruined the mechanisms in place. It is for this reason that there are several litigation involving diamonds versus diamonds. It is fairly uncommon for diamonds to transfer their entire groups to start their own training programmes, or even transfer to another MLM entirely. It is fairly obvious that the hearts of many uplines are brimming with greed. It is for this reason that you hear generalisations such as "never quit," "do whatever it takes to go to the next function," and "nobody can succeed unless they have the right tools."

The allure of power and adoration is understandable. Many a diamond, I feel, has turned corrupt and greedy as a result of corruption. Their requirements take precedence over those whom they claim to serve. They are wolves in a good suit with a nice smile on their faces. Their insatiable appetite knows no bounds. They will tell you heartwarming stories that will tug at your heartstrings. You can bet they'll tell you anything that will help them boost their profits.

The most alarming aspect of these leaders' actions is that they carry out their heinous activities under the pretext of serving God and/or supporting family values.

The Bible says in Proverbs 22:16, "He who oppresses the poor in order to increase his fortune, and he who offers presents to the rich – both end up in poverty."

• 1 Timothy 6:7-10 - This passage is about the apostle Timothy "Because we did not bring anything into this world, and it is certain that we will not be able to take anything out of it. And, as long as we have food and clothing, we will be pleased with that. The desire for wealth, however, leads to temptation and a snare, as well as to many stupid and dangerous lusts that sink mankind in destruction and perdition, as the Bible teaches. Because the desire of money is a source of all kinds of evil, some have wandered from the faith in their greediness and pierced themselves with a multitude of miseries as a result of their actions."

A camel may go through the eye of a needle, but it is more difficult for a rich man to enter the kingdom of God, according to Luke 18:22-25.

The book of 1 Timothy 6:3-5 is a biblical text "Those who preach erroneous beliefs and do not agree with the sound instruction of our Lord Jesus Christ and with godly teaching are egotistical and devoid of understanding. Men of corrupt mind who have been robbed of the truth and who believe that godliness is a means to financial gain are drawn to him by controversies and quarrels over words that result in envy, strife, malicious talk, evil suspicions, and constant friction between men of corrupt mind who have been robbed of the truth."

Critics of Amway are becoming increasingly concerned that the corporation has created a platform for people who are generally referred to as "prosperity preachers." These are the people that put the principles of prosperity theology to work for them in order to promote their own commercial and monetary success, frequently at the expense of vulnerable folks who may be having trouble making ends meet financially.

The term "prosperity theology" refers to a religious belief system that holds that God wants people to be financially successful and that God's favor can be seen in the accumulation of material wealth. This belief system is commonly used to promote the idea that individuals can attain financial success by adhering to certain ideals, such as contributing generously to religious groups or investing in specific commercial enterprises. One of the most common examples of this type of promotion is found in the book "The Millionaire Next Door."

In the context of Amway, some detractors believe that certain members of the firm's salesforce employ prosperity theology to promote their own financial success and encourage others to join the organization. This is done in the hopes that more people will become involved with Amway. They may utilize messaging that is motivational and inspirational to imply that monetary success is within reach of anybody who joins the organization and adheres to specific principles, such as purchasing and selling Amway products or attending training events and meetings. This may give the impression that financial success is within reach for everyone who joins the firm.

But some people think that this kind of message can be damaging, particularly for disadvantaged people who might already be having trouble making ends meet financially. They say that the emphasis on financial prosperity can create unreasonable expectations, which in turn can cause individuals to spend considerable amounts of money on Amway products and events, even if they may not necessarily receive the rewards that were promised.

In addition, certain individuals who are already dealing with financial troubles or who may be going through other difficulties, such as illness or the loss of a loved one, may be harmed more than anybody else by the focus that is placed on monetary success, according to those who hold this view. They indicate that these people may be especially receptive to the promises of prosperity theology and, as a result, may be pulled into Amway and other companies that are comparable in nature.

Even though not all Amway salesforce members subscribe to prosperity theology or utilize it to market their business, the problems outlined by opponents are something that anyone who is considering joining the organization ought to give some thought to. Before devoting a substantial amount of one's time and resources to a particular business opportunity, it is essential to examine it with an objective and analytical perspective, as well as to think about the potential downsides as well as the upsides.

In conclusion, although Amway and other direct selling organizations can offer prospects for financial success and personal improvement, it is essential to be aware of the potential risks and pitfalls that are linked with the types of enterprises that they are. Some people, particularly those who may be vulnerable or who are experiencing financial troubles, may find it disturbing when others promote prosperity theology and employ motivating and inspiring language. As a result of this, it is essential to approach these opportunities with extreme caution and to seek information and guidance from a wide variety of sources before making any large financial commitments.

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