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Friday, August 27, 2021

The Amway Zombie?

Amway Zombies? Sometimes it happens to the kindest of people and it frequently happens slowly and softly. These are the indicators that you are becoming indoctrinated and you are likely annoying your loved ones at this stage. One thing Amway uplines are adept at is indoctrinating their downline. They utilise cunning psychology and get you to agree with them on minor things, building up your trust and then when a degree of trust is created, then they chuck in some of the wacky stuff. Many persons resign after seeing through the deception but some bite hard and follow wholeheartedly. My previous sponsor is still in Amway after 20 years and while he was once upon a time a platinum, he is no longer close to that level. I hope this helps someone:

*You're driven to recruit everyone you know. You may even resort to misinformation or outright lies to persuade people to meetings to "see the plan". Before you realise it, your family and friends avoid you like the plague. You do this because it's the only way to attain "diamond" and "residual income". Very little matters to you other than getting folks to see the strategy.

*You're urged to build an unjustified, illogical fervour for the products. Even so far as to justify the quality of toilet paper or to term the household products prestigious. You might even fight over the quality of energy drinks or about phytonutrients, which are things you might not even be aware of at the time. You'll try to justify the higher prices of Amway items by citing the company's concentration or by using some other argument.

There are several demands, promises, and subtle threats of failure presented in the promotional materials and motivational seminars if you don't put up enough effort to achieve your goals. i.e. If you give up, you are a loser who is condemned to die poor and miserable.

*Because the method is promoted as the means by which you would become enormously wealthy, you will be under intense pressure to give up any conflicting or competing interests, such as your bowling league or golf club membership. Except for the pursuit of financial independence, there is nothing else that matters in life. All of your activities in life must contribute to the success of your Amway business and have an impact on your financial future.

*Your upline quickly establishes itself as your most trusted friend. Your thoughts and sentiments are influenced in part by the CDs, meetings, and functions that you attend and attend. Many personal decisions, like as purchasing a new laptop, a new car, starting a family, getting married, and so on, necessitate the approval of your upline. In other words, you're being advised on these options by someone who joined Amway before you.

Do any of these actions ring a bell with you? Hopefully, none of these habits are being displayed by you. 

Critics of the Amway business model have coined the phrase "The Amway Zombie" to refer to people who are heavily active in the Amway organization and demonstrate a devotion to the corporation akin to that of a cult.

Independent business owners (IBOs) of Amway are accused of developing a "zombie-like" attitude as a result of the company's business strategy, which is criticized as being geared to do so. They contend that Independent Business Owners (IBOs) are taught to place the Amway business over all other elements of their lives, and that they are urged to develop a tight concentration on the Amway business.

On the other side, individuals who support the Amway business model contend that this portrayal is one that is both unjust and wrong. They emphasize the fact that independent business owners (IBOs) are self-employed professionals who are free to develop their companies in any manner they see fit. They claim that the Amway business model is designed to equip Independent Business Owners (IBOs) with the tools and resources they need to succeed, and that individual effort and hard work are ultimately the most important factors in determining success.

However, some people feel that the Amway business model is inherently dishonest and deceitful, and they protest against it. They refer to the high expenditures connected with Amway products and training materials, as well as the pressure that is often put on IBOs to recruit new members into the organization. In addition, they object to the fact that Amway is a multi-level marketing company. They contend that this results in a culture of conformity and groupthink, in which individuals are discouraged from challenging the status quo and pushed to blindly follow the lead of their upline mentors. They believe that this results in a culture of conformity and groupthink.

People who are against Amway's business strategy also point out that it may have an adverse impact on one's personal relationships as well as their mental health. They contend that Independent Business Owners (IBOs) are frequently put under pressure to prioritize their Amway enterprises over other elements of their life, including their families, friendships, and other facets of their lives. This can result in emotions of guilt and humiliation for not living up to the standards set by the Amway organization, as well as feelings of isolation and detachment from the larger community.

In spite of these complaints, a significant number of people remain active members of the Amway organization and enjoy financial success as independent business owners. Amway's supporters contend that the company's business model offers people a once-in-a-lifetime chance to launch their own companies and achieve economic autonomy. They contend that the tools and resources that Amway offers to Independent Business Owners (IBOs) can be extremely useful in assisting IBOs in properly building and managing their businesses.

among the end, the topic of whether or not the Amway business model induces "zombie-like" behavior among the company's Independent Business Owners (IBOs) is up for debate. Proponents of the Amway business model claim that it presents individuals with a valuable opportunity to establish their own enterprises and accomplish their objectives, while opponents of the business model argue that it can be inherently manipulative and dishonest. The truth most likely lies somewhere in the middle, with the Amway organization offering its Independent Business Owners (IBOs) with both possibilities and challenges.

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