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Friday, August 27, 2021

Can Amway Change Your Life?

 Having complete control over one's time and money was one of the things that was widely emphasised while I was an Amway IBO, and I believe it is being promoted today. I recall hearing that "broke" people often have a lot of free time but are unable to accomplish anything because of a lack of funds, or that a highly hardworking man who is successful may have a lot of money but not enough free time since he is working 80 hours per week, among other things. Rather than wasting your time and money on other things, why not join Amway and work hard for 2-5 years till you have everything you need for life? On the surface, it appears to be a good idea.

On the surface, it appears to be a nice idea, but how many people truly follow through with it? I'm not aware of any Independent Business Owner (IBO) that operated the business for 2-5 years and then stepped away from their Amway business to enjoy complete control over their time and money. There are a variety of causes behind this. Attrition. It is estimated that around half or more of all IBOs will not even be in business for more than a year after they have joined. In addition, in order to qualify for certain of the benefits, IBOs must be active and move side volume on a consistent basis. It is for this reason that I feel there are no diamonds left who are able to enjoy their time and money as a result of passive ongoing Amway revenue. Businesses owned by diamonds and above must be worked continuously or otherwise they will crumble like a sand castle on the seashore as the waves erode it away from its foundation.

Ironically, for many IBOs, what they desire most, time and money, are the very things that they have less of as a result of their involvement in the Amway business opportunity. It is due to the manner in which many IBOs are taught through systems such as WWDB, BWW, or N21, among others. Many of these organisations will teach that they have a de facto PV requirement of 100 PV (or more), which costs approximately $300 per month. Occasionally, you can obtain a tiny box of products for the same amount of money that would have bought you an entire cart of goods at a store like WalMart or Costco. For system IBOs, you are also paying for training, which essentially tells you that this is a fantastic concept and that you should never give up on your dreams. It appears that those that do so do it in spite of, rather than as a result of, the system and upline recommendations.

You are therefore absent from backyard barbecues or birthday celebrations hosted by relatives and friends because you are focused on safeguarding your financial long-term future. Your children are unlikely to be upset if you miss their baseball games or leave them in the care of sitters while you attend a social event. Your family and friends will be blown away when you announce your retirement next year and throw them a celebration to remember. It all appears strange, and for the majority of people, it certainly is. Although you may receive $10 or even $50 monthly checks from Amway, this will never be enough to meet the costs of your living expenditures. You can't give up because you never know when success will knock on your door. This is the trap that Amway has set for itself.

It's possible that your sponsor or upline will inform you that the Amway business is not about making money. It is possible that you will be told that you are a nicer person or a better father (even if you ignore your children to attend activities), or that the business opportunity has helped you salvage your marriage. As a result, my query is posed. What have you accomplished in your Amway business that has enabled you to have greater control over your time and money? Are you finding that you have less time and money as a result of your Amway involvement? I'm not aware of anyone who has genuinely signed up for Amway with the intention of becoming nicer (if that's even possible) or signing up in order to meet new people.

My life was altered as a result of my connection with Amway, but not in a positive way. And it wasn't due to Amway's actions. In reality, it was self-serving instruction by WWDB officials intended to suffocate the lives of IBOs. We were expected to be present at all meetings. The term "all" refers to the entire collection. We were expected to submit to our superiors. Please leave your ego at the entrance. We were instructed to get additional tapes/cds because you cannot listen to the same ones every day. Separate standing orders were required for wives and spouses. If a downline member leaves, you do not cancel the standing order. It is for this reason that I have witnessed crosslines go bankrupt, lose their homes to foreclosure, and many end up resigning with significant financial losses.

In actuality, Amway is a well-oiled machine. As a result, Amway and the methods were created to reward a small number of high-ranking IBOs who reap the benefits at the expense of their downline in the form of volume incentives and by purchasing training materials on their behalf (books, cds and seminar tickets). The deception is that anyone and everyone can get away with it. It is supported by the math, regardless of whether or not you can earn more than your sponsor. If the vast majority of individuals accomplish little or nothing, anyone can, without a doubt, generate more money than their sponsor. However, you will not make any more money than your upline diamond. You can put your trust in us. 

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