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Friday, August 27, 2021

Desperate Amway IBOs?

 One thing I've seen among Amway Independent Business Owners (IBOs) in recent remarks is their "desperation." This is something I think to be true because IBOs who are attempting to create a business are in a precarious situation. Because Amway items in general are not priced competitively with those offered by large retailers, independent business owners (IBOs) are at a competitive disadvantage. The lack of retail sales means that the company is forced to consume 100 PV on its own, which can cost up to $300 on average. Moreover, even when I had a party for 40 guests at my home, I did not spend $300 at Costco that month on consumables such as toilet paper and vitamins, as claimed by IBOs, who claim that they simply "replace your buying habits." Now, if you have a large family, you might spend a lot on consumables, but singles, couples, and families with one or two children are unlikely to spend much on them.

So what is it about IBOs that makes them "desperate"? I believe this is due to the fact that the cost of the items begins to become a burden for the majority of IBOs, and the disadvantage in cost makes selling things extremely challenging. As a result, the only other way for an IBO to improve volume is to sponsor downline IBOs in the hopes that they would likewise boost volume. Consequently, independent business owners (IBOs) are not compensated directly for recruiting (which allows Amway to remain legal), but the emphasis of most business builders is on sponsoring downline rather than on selling because selling is more difficult. And, because many independent business owners (IBOs) are "desperate" to produce volume, they turn to deception, cunning, and, in some cases, blatant lying in order to convince individuals to attend a recruitment meeting. It is for this reason that Amway has established a reputation in North America. I suspect this is contributing to the decline in Amway sales in North America, but I am unable to prove this because Amway no longer publishes North American sales separately from their overall global sales.

However, this continual emphasis on sponsoring and demonstrating the plan is the precise reason why the vast majority of IBOs will never be able to develop a long-term business. For example, the Walton family could embark on a trip to Mars and WalMart's sales would continue to soar since the company provides high-quality products at rock-bottom costs, regardless of the circumstances. Customers see the value of WalMart products and will continue to do business with the company for decades to come. Amway Independent Business Owners (IBOs) depends on IBOs joining and mostly self-consuming items. Due to the fact that more than two-thirds of IBOs leave in less than a year, maybe because there isn't enough value in remaining, and that the vast majority of the remaining IBOs leave within a year or a few years after that, this strategy fails. Some diamonds may be able to keep replacing the quitters, at the very least enough to maintain some Amway cash coming in, but they will almost certainly not be able to "walk away" from their companies. For smaller volume IBOs, they simply cannot maintain replacing the few downline members they may have had, and as a result, they too eventually abandon their jobs and retire.

Many people find it difficult to give up after being "serious" for a period of time because they have put in the necessary time and money, and they are hopeful that their investment will finally pay off. However, it appears that desperation will finally set in at some point. Even those who are living from bonus check to bonus check are unlikely to be able to quit since they have invested a significant amount of time and effort into their business. However, we have recently witnessed evidence of what I am referring to. Diamonds who are quitting, diamonds who are resigning, and diamonds who are in financial trouble. The writing has been on the wall for a long time.

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