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Friday, August 27, 2021

Your Amway "Rich Dad"?

 Many independent company owners (IBOs) appear to have read Robert Kiyosaki's book "Rich Dad, Poor Dad," and they frequently mention his cash flow principles, as well as his discussions of earning passive income and utilising business as a vehicle to develop wealth. Have any of his admirers ever paused to consider how Kiyosaki amassed his supposed fortune? He most likely created his supposed business through the sale of books and what appear to be bogus real estate seminars. My three-part youtube series exposes the scam, and you can witness Robert himself backpedalling when confronted with questions about his dubious tactics during one of his seminars. I'm releasing the videos here. He claims that he will check into the matter, but as the video demonstrates, these activities have been going on for years and years.

You can watch the videos and make your own conclusions. I was outraged that such a shady practise was permitted to continue. These swindlers should be sent behind bars. Given that authorities do not intervene, the most effective approach to assist people in avoiding the scam is to educate them so that they do not become seduced into joining up and actually throwing their money away in the process.

Neither Amway Diamonds nor Robert Kiyosaki have any proven evidence of success with their respective "systems." Kiyosaki's infomercial for his "system" has been shown to me, and after showing (unsubstantiated) testimonials, the disclaimer of "unique experience" scrolls across the screen in small font.

I encourage you to watch the three short movies and I look forward to hearing your thoughts.

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