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Thursday, September 9, 2021

Critical Mass Is Impending!

 Is it possible that critical mass is approaching? Is it true that doom and gloom are upon us? It appears that something has gone horribly wrong in a breakaway group of the Catholic church!

At Amway meetings, we were told about the need of critical mass. “It is now that you should join Amway and begin creating your Amway business! It is an excellent time to join Amway and benefit from the advantages of doing so early ($$$$$$$$$$$$) before we reach critical mass.” The Amway business is exploding, and now is the best time to join and benefit from being a part of it. Blah blah blah. Blah blah blah. Or something along those lines.

We were constantly informed that we had arrived at the perfect time to "join the party." “We are only getting started with what is expected to be a significant growth in Amway product sales through the Internet. Exciting changes are set to take place in the Amway organisation. This is monumental!”

The cult leaders exploit all of this exaltation and exaltation to brainwash their adherents.

I remember hearing that identical stupid propaganda spiel for the first time when we joined Amway more than a decade ago! The only difference between round one and round two was that we lost more money as a result of new Amway tools appearing on the scene - Communikate, WWDB premier membership, and so on - and that we had to put more money into Amway's tool scam.

To demonstrate even further that we had joined Amway at precisely the perfect time, when the company's business was about to explode, we were given charts depicting how this pattern was expected to occur over the next few years, with sales rising as a result of our participation. During every Amway meeting, this chart was displayed as part of the business plan flip cards that were distributed to attendees.

The sack of rotten muck Platinum used to turn the chart upside down and state that those were the statistics of those who weren't involved with Amway at the time. They were doomed to have no money and to work until they were 65 years old, at which point they would either die or become bankrupt.

Possibly some changes have taken place at Amway; however, whether or not these are exciting will depend on whether or not you are an ambot. Alternatively, you could be married to one.

The following are the (not really spectacular) changes I noticed in Ambot after he became a member of the Amway cult:

He got into heated debates with people with whom he generally got along well because they refused to attend Scamway sessions, which he found extremely frustrating.

His demeanour was mocked at those who were employed and didn't consider Amway to be a legitimate career option.

In his interactions with people who were not interested in helping his business by purchasing pricey Amway products, he was extremely condescending.

He put down whatever he was doing to respond to phone calls or text messages from the bastards in his upline who wanted him to haul his ass to wherever they were for whatever they deemed to be more important than what he was doing at the time.

He was continually quoting Amway lingo and repeating whatever it was that his upline had brainwashed him into believing. As in, just shut the fuck up and go away! Nobody gives a damn about Amway, the goddamned corporation! Have you seen how everyone avoids us and how no one invites us to their homes any longer?

He questioned everything I did, including how it was generating income for him through his Amway business.

As a result of having been brainwashed, he believed that his upline sponsor was a god simply by virtue of having brought him into the Amway cult, and that it was therefore our responsibility to lick his asshole (which we did).

After that, he began littering his home with Amway waste and refusing to put the containers containing the devoured things into the garbage or recycling bins when they became available. The lessons of the Amway male chauvinist pig club are included in this section. Warrior ladies are only useful in the life of Amway warriors because they are responsible for cleaning up after them.

He utilised his previously debt-free credit card for Amway-related expenditures, including taking his entire upline out to dinner, and he spent the entire balance on Amway junk in order to wow the bastards in his upline, according to the report.

He became increasingly irritated, combative, disrespectful, and arrogant as the conversation progressed.

According to his upline, everyone who had a different point of view was negative, and this included him.

What about his obnoxiousness toward anyone who did not share his views on how wonderful, amazing, etc., the Amway cult is? I haven't discussed that yet.

Yeah, that was a genuine pleasure to be around! The ambot demon from the depths of Amway Hell! The fucking assholes in our upline were the ones who came up with this. A frankenambot, to be precise.

The improvements that have occurred since Ambot walked away from the cult and was no longer subjected to brainwashing by assholes such as our piece of crap Platinum have been overwhelmingly good, with Ambot regaining his ability to be a pleasant person. Despite the BS claims made by the upline that being in Amway makes you a nicer person - a ploy designed to divert ambots' attention away from the money they aren't producing - I am here to state unequivocally that being an Amway IBO does NOT make someone a kinder person. Despite the fact that they put on a false nicey nice act at Amway activities and seminars, they are unpleasant, surly, unapproachable terrible excuses for human beings when they are not in the company of their cult leaders. If a person loses money in the Amway pyramid system, it has the potential to alter their personality and turn them into horrible demons. Working with the cult leaders who brainwash independent business owners into believing that the reason they aren't succeeding in the Amway scam is because they aren't trying hard enough or because they are losers is another aspect of being a member of this shady multi-level marketing fraud.

It doesn't matter what some cretinous indoctrinated idiot claims about how Amway delivers exciting changes to people's life; I'm here to tell you that witnessing someone being brainwashed by the Amway cult is not an interesting change. It's a fall into the depths of hell.

When referring to a certain point of intensity or velocity that is required to kick off a significant change or shift, the term "critical mass" is often used. Critical mass is a term that is frequently used in the context of Amway to indicate the point at which a person's Amway business develops sufficient velocity to create a considerable revenue.

A significant portion of Amway distributors are of the opinion that reaching critical mass is essential to their commercial success. They have faith that if they bring on enough new members and construct a sizable enough downline, they will be able to establish a self-sufficient business that will continue to bring in revenue for many years to come.

But the truth is that only a small percentage of Amway distributors ever reach the level of critical mass. In point of fact, the vast majority of distributors never even turn a profit, much less establish a flourishing company for themselves.

The difficulty with the idea of critical mass is that it is predicated on the assumption that Amway is a genuine economic opportunity. This creates a dilemma for the concept. The fact that Amway is a multi-level marketing (MLM) plan implies that the only way to make money is by recruiting additional people into the scheme. This is the only method to generate money.

The great majority of people who try to become Amway distributors end up being unsuccessful because they are unable to bring on enough new members to their teams. Their upline is always encouraging them to "dream big" and "work harder," but the truth is that the system is designed to only reward a select group of people at the very top of the organization.

In order for an Amway distributor to reach the necessary level of success in the business, he or she will need to bring on dozens, if not hundreds or even thousands of new members. This demands a tremendous expenditure of time, money, and energy, and even after making those sacrifices, there is no assurance that this will be successful.

After realizing that they are not actually profiting from the venture, a significant number of Amway distributors eventually give up on the business opportunity. It's possible that they'll feel that they've been duped by the assurances that they'll be wealthy and successful, or that they'll become exasperated by the persistent push to bring on new members.

In Amway, the idea of reaching critical mass is ultimately little more than a wishful thinking at best. Even though the vast majority of distributors will never achieve the success that is promised to them by the corporation, this technique is utilized by the company as a tool to keep distributors motivated and working hard. Avoiding Amway entirely and concentrating instead on legitimate business possibilities that are founded on actual goods and services is the only way to achieve true success in the Amway business model.

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