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Thursday, September 9, 2021

Amway Royalty?

 Occasionally, I receive ambots who have been trained to search on Google for phrases such as "Amway is awesome" or "World Wide Dream Builders WWDB is awesome," and they end up at my blog. It's impossible for me to explain why my blog ranks so highly on search engines! It's critical to get those keywords in!

So these ambots are able to find out how I feel about my upline, in particular about the asshole who sponsored us into Amway, Captain Fuck Up, and the pile of garbage Platinum.

And that's not even include my reviews of the pricey, substandard Amway products.

They are surprised to find themselves on a blog where someone is blogging about all of the dirty little Amway cult secrets. These ambots have been brainwashed into believing that Amway and WWDB are fantastic companies. Once they realise what has happened, they become enraged because they have a fierce attachment to their upline cult leaders, whom they place on a pedestal and refer to as "Amway royalty." Who has the audacity to speak the truth about what takes place inside the Amway cult? No one has the audacity to criticise their Amway upline! No one has the audacity to mention how much money Amway cult followers spend each month on costly, substandard Amway items, motivating materials such as CDs and books, signing up for Communikate and WWDB prime membership, or how much it costs to attend Amway meetings and festivities. Who has the audacity to share the amount of the little commission check Amway sends each month if the IBO meets the bare minimums? I'll say it once more: After investing $700 in a month, you might be eligible for a $10 refund! This group of prudes is appalled by my use of language and my candour, and they feel forced to make a comment on my blog, whining about it and using the standard Amspeak canned answer, even though they have only read the one post that the search engine directed them to.

Members of the Amway cult are brainwashed into believing that their Amway upline are the most lovely human beings who have ever walked the face of the earth and are incapable of doing anything wrong. These god-like Amway upline ambots are expected to be loved, revered, and referred to in glowing terms by their downline Amway representatives.

Nothing could be more rude than speaking negatively about the Amway upline and cursing the cretins.

With the exception of Anna Banana. I'll go even further than that. Prior to becoming associated with Amway, I had at least ten years of experience speaking negatively about the guy who sponsored us, so I had enough of practise disliking that fucking troublemaker prior to the Amway cult becoming a part of our lives.

Specifically, I talk about how Amway upline cult leaders fuck up their subordinates and downline. How the leaders of the Amway cult destroy couples. How the Amway cult leaders wreak havoc on their downline's financial situation. How the Amway cult leaders are stealing people's dreams. The leaders of the Amway cult have a distorted perspective of those who work for someone else rather than being self-employed. When it comes to motivational CDs, the Amway cult leaders have an acute preoccupation with listening to those featuring their favourite Diamonds as the speakers. How the Amway cult leaders deceive their followers. How the Amway cult leaders can't seem to keep their heads out of their own affairs. How the Amway cult leaders are only your pals for as long as you continue to invest in the Amway pyramid scheme is explained here. This is an example of how Amway cult leaders induce mental misery. How the Amway cult's leaders are obscenely wealthy. How the leaders of the Amway cult are the most troublemaking assholes I've ever met in my life.

Furthermore, I've spoken out about the nonsense that takes place inside Amway cult gatherings.

The debilitating pain that these upline Amway devils inflict on the lives of the victims that they recruit to the Amway fraud is reprehensibly despicable. Those cretins ought to be damned to extinction. And I started my blog in order to fill that void!

Amway cult members and Amway's corporate headquarters may not appreciate my sharing the ugly secrets of the Amway cult's leaders, but I am here to inform the public that the Amway upline are shitless cowards who deserve to go directly to hell for the pain they cause their victims.

That is exactly how I feel about the Amway royalty!

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