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Thursday, September 9, 2021

Here Comes Amway WWDB Spring Leadership 2012!

 Click on this link to read a blog post I published regarding Amway WWDB Spring Leadership 2012, which covers the itinerary, as well as where and when it will be taking place.

Because of the high rate of IBOs exiting Amway, the bulk of attendees are attending Spring Leadership for the first time, which is why I'm receiving a lot of searchers seeking for Amway WWDB Spring Leadership 2012 and interested about what goes on there. As if there is anything more I can say that I haven't already said, I'm going to repost a Spring Leadership post from last year. A handful of other replays will be available over the coming couple of weeks, so keep a watch out!

Spring Leadership is a sponsored event by Amway WWDB that takes place every April. It's one of four big functions held every three months to keep IBOs motivated and prevent them from leaving the company.

I was a rotten little IBO, to say the least. The pompous piece of shit Platinum had pressed his personal and religious convictions on me (us) one time too many times before I decided to stop attending Amway meetings altogether. The only thing I had left to say to this cretin was, "Fuck off," and that was the end of it.

Getting to Spring Leadership is a good day's travel away from our home. Due to the fact that Ambot paid $125 for his ticket and booked a hotel room through the World Wide Dream Busters website, WWDB must have restricted the availability of hotel rooms for IBOs. In order to obtain better mileage, Ambot requested permission to use my vehicle. His idea was to drive down with two additional "heated up" IBOs, which I agreed to let him do. I reluctantly agreed that he could use my vehicle. The bottom line is that it has greater fuel economy, drives better on long trips, is a new model, and is safer. Those other jerks drove clunkers that were prone to breaking down at any given moment.

Now, hold on a sec.

Those little bastards had a change of heart and decided to stay!

Oooohhhh...... It appears that I am not the only bad little IBO who is causing trouble in this town!

Amway WWDB brainwashing workshop for the spring leadership team!

Amway World Wide Dream Builders Spring Leadership is a complete disaster!

And NO ONE wants to go!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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