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Thursday, September 9, 2021

Strike 2 For Amway Spring Leadership Henchman!

 Listed below is an old post on the sleazy times that are a part of attending the WWDB Amway Spring Leadership Conference. Our good friend the Platinum's henchman is in desperate need of a shovel in order to dig himself out of the hole he dug for himself!

Ambot and I were most likely the first IBOs to check into our hotel for the WWDB Spring Leadership function, which took place the following day. We'd left home early in the morning, spent the entire day driving, and arrived late in the afternoon. After unpacking our belongings in the room, we went to Barnes & Noble to get a book that I wanted to read over the weekend before heading out to dinner. By the time we returned to the hotel, the IBOs had begun to arrive.

The two staff working at the hotel's front desk appeared to be stressed. And it's not surprising. They were dealing with a henchman for the Platinum corporation. No shows had been reported, and the problem was that the henchman had been messing with people's hotel reservations on the WWDB blocked rooms, just as he'd attempted to do with Ambot earlier in the day. The problem was that he was now on the hook because he'd used his own credit card to guarantee the rooms while he was so preoccupied with reassigning everyone, and now he was holding empty hotel rooms with no live bodies to put in them, and he was arguing with the staff about why his credit card was being charged for the empty rooms. He arrived too late to cancel the rooms, and he was charged a one-night fee for each of them when he should have done so.

To give the henchman credit where credit is due - or a lack thereof - I doubt the jerk came up with the idea of fooling around with hotel rooms on his own initiative. Obviously, the only reason he would have done this was on the direct orders of Platinum, who must have determined that they needed to make room for the dozens of visitors and prospects who were expected to make the trip to see what this amazing Amway business opportunity was all about. Only problem was that all of the prospects/newbies failed to show up, leaving the henchman with a hotel bill for a large number of empty rooms, which he was attempting to dispute with the staff, who were charging him $100 x number of rooms in accordance with the hotel's cancellation policy. If you plan to come late, say after 6 p.m., most hotels want you to use a credit card to guarantee your room, which is standard practise. As a result, the hotel will hold your room for the duration of the night rather than selling it to someone who walks in off the street. The amount of one night's stay will be charged to your credit card if you do not arrive or do not cancel your reservation before the cutoff time.

What happened next is unclear, but I hope the hotel stood by their decision and did not reverse the credit card payment. That would be appropriate for the henchman. I mean, it's a complete and utter blunder. It's only fair that the bastard gets what he deserves for listening to the dumb ass Platinum!

Oh, and it's worth noting that the sack of shit Platinum was staying at a different hotel, which he considered to be a superior establishment. Not the rest of us lowly bastards, but the only IBOs who were "allowed" to stay at that other hotel were individuals who were making it big in the business. He and his wife were sharing a room with at least one other couple that we were aware of, if not more, which was amusing. If there's a tinge of romance in the air, I suppose that destroys the mood! It may even be said that orgy is in the air, which heightens the mood! I swear, if I'd known he was staying at the other hotel, I would have rented a room there solely for the purpose of piling on the jerk!

And to add insult to injury, another hotel stay has been charged to the henchman's credit card!

Yeah! Awful Amway WWDB Spring Leadership!!!!!

Amway receives its second strike as the truth about the Spring Leadership Henchman is revealed.

The well-known multi-level marketing (MLM) corporation Amway has been the subject of more than its fair share of controversy over the course of its history. The corporation finds itself under the microscope once more as a result of the Spring Leadership Henchman event. The purpose of this in-depth investigation is to shed light on the alleged deceptive techniques and questionable strategies that were linked with this event, as well as the possible impact that this could have on Amway distributors and participants.

The Spring Leadership Henchman Event is discussed in Chapter 1.

1.1 The Purpose and the Promise It is important to have an understanding of the purpose of the Spring Leadership Henchman event as well as the promises that are made about it. These aims and promises typically involve personal development, business tactics, and inspirational and motivational inspiration.

1.2 The commitment and Attendance: Investigate the considerable financial commitment and the attendance restrictions that are imposed on Amway distributors in order for them to take part in the event.

The Tricky Methods of Advertising and Marketing (Chapter 2)

2.1 Irrational Income Claims Draw attention to the times in which Amway distributors or event presenters make implausible income claims or portray skewed financial success stories in an effort to draw participants to their events.

2.2 Manipulative Messaging: Discuss the use of psychological manipulation and emotional appeals in the marketing materials for the event, the goal of which is to generate a sense of urgency, dread of missing out, and dependency on the Amway system.

Exploitative Upselling and an Environment Resembling a Cult Chapter 3

3.1 The Practice of Aggressively pushing new Products, Training Materials, and Services During the Event You should investigate the practice of aggressively pushing new products, training materials, and services while hosting an event. This practice frequently involves forcing participants to spend more money on these upsells.

3.2 An Atmosphere Resembling a Cult Investigate reports of participants who felt they were under pressure to conform, follow stringent restrictions, and demonstrate unwavering commitment to Amway and its leaders.

Emotional Manipulation and Its Psychological Effects is the Topic of Chapter 4.

4.1 Emotional Exploitation: Investigate the strategies of emotional manipulation that were used during the Spring Leadership Henchman event. These strategies included ginned-up enthusiasm, compelling speeches, and testimonials with the intention of instilling steadfast conviction in Amway's system.

4.2 Psychological Impact: Discuss the potential psychological impact that the event could have on attendees, including feelings of inadequacy, financial pressure, and an erosion of critical thinking as a result of the frequent reinforcement of Amway's rhetoric.

The Consequences and Unhappiness of the Situation in Chapter 5

Share firsthand anecdotes and testimonies of individuals who attended the Spring Leadership Henchman event and later experienced disappointment, financial losses, or a reduction in their conviction in Amway's promises as a result of their attendance.

Analyze the broader influence that events like as Spring Leadership Henchman have had on Amway's reputation, both within the multi-level marketing (MLM) industry and among the general public.

Seeking Transparency and Other Options is the Topic of Chapter 6.

6.1 The Significance of Keeping Things Open: Bring attention to the significance of openness in multi-level marketing organizations such as Amway, and encourage the company to offer information that is both truthful and reasonable regarding prospective revenue, expenses, and success rates.

6.2 Investigating Potential Alternative Commercial Opportunities: Encourage people to think about starting alternative businesses that place a priority on openness, fair compensation structures, and sustainable business methods.

The Spring Leadership Henchman event is a notable example of the questionable business tactics that are commonplace within Amway and the multi-level marketing industry in general. The reported use of deceptive marketing practices, exploitative upselling, and an atmosphere similar to that of a cult create significant issues regarding the safety of Amway distributors as well as the veracity of the company's assertions. It is imperative that people approach events of this nature with a critical perspective, perform extensive study, and look for other business prospects that are in line with their goals and ideals. In the realm of business and entrepreneurship, we may work toward a future that is both more moral and more environmentally friendly if we advocate for openness and responsible business practices.

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