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Thursday, September 9, 2021

The Creepy Henchman of Amway WWDB Spring Leadership

 In light of the fact that I don't have anything new to say on Amway WWDB Spring Leadership, I've decided to republish one of my favourite pieces from last year.

There's a creepy small kid that kisses the Platinum's behind. He'll be referred to as the henchman.

The henchman has gained access to the hotel reservations that the IBOs in his Line of Sponsorship have made on the WWDB website for the Spring Leadership convention, and he is using this access to his advantage. He places all of the hotel bookings for everyone in our LOS under his name a few days before Spring Leadership in a desperate attempt to find something in his life that he can monopolise. Of course, in order to guarantee all of these hotel rooms, he will need to use his own credit card number.

What a complete and utter imbecile! Why would he do such a thing? Is he unaware that if no one comes up to utilise these rooms and pays him back, his credit card will be held responsible for any hotel reservations that are not cancelled by the hotel's cut-off time? His credit card will be charged for any hotel reservations made under his name, whether they are fully booked or somewhere in between, until he cancels them by the deadline stipulated by the hotel in their contract. I'm not sure when the cancellation policy for this hotel expires, so please bear with me. 5pm? 6pm? Do you need to know 24 hours in advance?

The henchman calls Ambot and brags about what he's accomplished. He also informs Ambot that he no longer has his own room and that he's been assigned to share a hotel room with three other young men in their twenties. Let's call a spade a spade when it comes to Ambot. Let's call him an old geezer instead. No old geezer who can afford his or her own hotel room and prefers to be alone does not want to share a room with three young adults in their twenties who are more interested in partying than in attending Spring Leadership. Furthermore, because there are only two beds in each room, sharing implies another person in the bed as well. I can understand why some individuals need to share hotel rooms in order to save money on hotel fees, and I have done it myself. Not everyone desires or requires the use of a second set of hands.

Ambot is VERY ANGRY! Nobody else but me is allowed to sleep in the same bed as him. No one can explain to him how the henchman was able to steal the hotel room from him, even though he booked it himself and used his credit card to guarantee the reservation. Given that the rooms are booked through the WWDB website, there must be some way for uplines to control the hotel reservations of their downline members, right?

Consequently, I'm sitting here listening to Ambot ramble about all of this garbage and nonsense. The sack of shit Platinum must have taught him how to yell by forcing him to attend in on too many Amway cult meetings while growing up.

The longer I listen, the more irritated I am. What makes me further angrier is that I don't want Ambot going a great way to Spring Leadership alone himself because those two cretins cancelled the day before. I've also got enough of hearing about how Ambot's henchman snatched his hotel room from him. I checked the hotel's website, which allows guests to make online reservations, and there is still availability.

I informed Ambot that I would accompany him and instructed him to contact his henchman and request that he return his hotel room. It is his responsibility to inform the henchmen that I will be accompanying him on the trip, and that we will be booking our own hotel room, whether it is at that particular hotel or somewhere else; it is not important to me where we will be staying. In order to guarantee the room when he snatched it away from Ambot, the henchman was had to provide his credit card number, which I point out to Ambot. It is possible that no one will show up to utilise that room, and the henchmen will be stuck with the bill for at least one night. What does it matter to us? I'm not sure how he was able to pull that off, other than the fact that it was a block of WWDB rooms rather than rooms booked directly with the hotel, which suggests that he may have had some sort of "in" to be able to pull it off.

Now the henchman has joined the ranks of the enraged, wanting to know why I'm attending Spring Leadership Conference. Ambot informs to him that, as a result of everyone else bugging out on him, I have been assigned as the designated co-driver. The henchman is not pleased, and in order to revenge, he informs Ambot that the hotel is completely booked. Ambot points out that their website indicates that they have rooms accessible for online reservations, which is incorrect.

Now I'm concerned that the henchman may be aware of something I'm not aware of, so I call the hotel to double-check the situation. The clerk informs me that they have availability and provides me with a price quote. I tell him that I may have to call back to make a reservation for a room. After a few minutes, the henchman returns the call and informs Ambot that he has re-registered the hotel room in his name.

So let's get started. A road trip is in order! All that would have made it better was if Ambot hadn't been squandering his time and money on a pointless Amway function.

Amway World Wide Dream Builders Spring Leadership is a complete disaster!

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