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Thursday, September 9, 2021

Make Less Money in Scamway!

 This is somewhat of a follow-up to my last post. Is $75,000 the elusive "Magical Platinum Earnings"?

This is when I begin to question why people who run their own businesses or work for someone else and earn more than $75,000/year - the wildly exaggerated salary a Platinum is alleged to earn - would consider joining Amway and accepting a reduction in their income. It turns out that only a minuscule fraction of 1 percent of Amway Independent Business Owners will ever generate that kind of money. The system has been built to fail. Scamway is not the only business option available to those who are interested in owning their own business. Almost every other business opportunity available will provide them with a significantly higher income than what they could earn with Amway.

There are a variety of reasons why people choose to take a job where they earn less money than they do now, including cutting back on hours, choosing a less stressful work, choosing a job that is closer to home, and choosing a job in a different part of the country than where they presently live. There are numerous options available.

But why in the world would anyone contemplate choosing a commissioned sales job where you are bombarded with fake numbers and taught about the enormous amounts of money you can expect to make with Amway? Ha! Yes, that's correct! Particularly concerning was the fact that no one in our upline ever provided us with a profit and loss statement, their income tax returns, or copies of their Amway commission cheques. Nobody could provide evidence of the enormous income they were generating through Amway.

I believe my Ambot looked at all of those data and concluded that, in a few of years, he would be able to simply sit back and collect thousands of dollars in residual income every month for the rest of his life. I believe that a large number of ambots believe the same thing, which is a very appealing picture for people in their retirement years, who can have large sums of money coming in on a monthly basis even while they are not working. There are a variety of additional investment alternatives that will provide people with a source of residual income in their later years. Participation in the Amway scam will deplete a person's retirement savings rather than increasing his or her net worth.

I believe Ambot was aware of his friend Captain Fuck Up becoming involved in Scamway's activities. He had met the leaders of the Amway cult and had a positive impression of them, believing they would make fine new buddies. Except that these are the types of friends who expect you to pay a fee in order to be their friend. Invest your money in Amway and the tool scam kind of acquaintances. Friends that are not my type.

In order to make money, Ambot fell for all of the lies provided to him by the Amway cult leaders about how much money he could make by becoming engaged in the Amway fraud. It wouldn't take long for him to become a multimillionaire. Mansions, sports vehicles, first-class travel, and walks on the beaches of the world would all be within reach for him if he had unlimited income.

I believe the most important component in my decision to become engaged with Amway was the question of whether or not this was a legitimate business opportunity. Consider the scenario in if there was a genuine possibility that he would become wealthy within a few of years, but he did not jump on the bandwagon and take advantage of the Scamway opportunity? If Captain Fuck Up made a lot of money in Amway, what would happen? Ambot's decision to join Scamway must have been influenced by the realisation that that fucking bastard was doing better financially than him.

Just in case anyone was wondering, that filthy son of a bitch Captain Fuck Up is still renting the same squalid hovels he's been living in for the past 10+ years, is still receiving eviction notices due to his constant lateness with the rent, is constantly having his utilities and cell phone disconnected due to his failure to pay the bills, and on and on. I have bad credit and can't keep down a job. Yes, this is a really knowledgeable individual from whom to get business guidance!

Ambot was duped and misled. The people he met were people he liked, and the only way he could spend time with them was to make large investments in Amway products and motivating materials. Amway's success is built on a foundation of crap.

Amway cult leaders assured its members that if they joined Amway, attended all cult meetings and Amway functions, purchased Amway products, invested in the tool fraud, and so on, they would be rewarded with residual income that would last for the rest of their lives after 2 to 5 years. Furthermore, they will not be required to work again.

People find this to be a really appealing idea. However, they do not want Amway to be perceived as a fraud; instead, they want it to be recognised as their sole source of income. As people grow older and contemplate retirement, it is likely that they will continue to hunt for sources of income. When it comes to Amway, the best advice is to keep looking!

However, I believe that there is always a gnawing uncertainty lurking in the back of people's thoughts. What if this happens? What if the income that has been promised is indeed true? And what happens if they don't take advantage of the situation? Moreover, what if their sponsor is the one who becomes wealthy and then gloats at their expense since they missed the bus.

Oh, that's right.

Take advantage of the Amway truck before it's too late!

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