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Thursday, September 9, 2021

8 Things You Shouldn’t Do If You’re An Amway Ambot

 Of course, there are many more things an ambot should avoid doing, but I came across an article titled 8 Things You Shouldn't Do At Work and wanted to figure out a way to apply it to Amway ambots. Aside from the fact that ambots would never abide by these rules because they are a bunch of egotistical jerks who believe they are better than everyone else simply because they are affiliated with Amway When you're a member of the Amway cult, being polite, respectful, and courteous to others is out of the question.

Making excessive noise on the phone - Yup, all those awful wretched ambots full of self importance at being a "business owner" have their phone plastered to their ear EVERYWHERE, yapping away loudly so that everyone around them can tell how "important" they are conducting business on their cell phone. Come on, you fucking ambots, have a clue! You have no one interested in hearing your side of the conversation! Go somewhere else and act like a bunch of jerks with a lot of money!

Listening to loud music or watching violent videos - AAACCCKKKK!!!!!!!!!! Every time one of my Ambots or another ambot insisted on putting their CD into the car's CD player or their portable unit and cranking up the volume, I could scream! FUCK!!!!! Disconnect yourself from that stupid piece of garbage! Everyone else, including those of us who aren't brainwashed ambots, couldn't care less what that fucking Diamond has to say! What happened to the sledge hammer???

Ambots are slobs, and they have messed up the (kitchen) auditorium. Everyone who came to a Scamway meeting brought pricey treats, such as (not)Perfect Water and (not)XS cat piss drink. When they left, they'd leave their rubbish on the floor beneath the seats in the car. Does it really take this much effort to pick up your fucking Amway trash and carry it outside to the nearest trash can? Oh, the arena has employed a janitor to clean up after us - fucking ambots with a sense of entitlement - Please allow me to pass along a little note from that janitor. “Fuck you ambot slobs!” says the narrator.

Bringing your children into the office on a regular basis - For a while, I had difficulty with this one until I realised that the article replaced children for a spouse or pals. So, let's simply go with the following:

Bringing your wife to Amway meetings is a bad habit, especially if she doesn't want to be there in the first place. Anyone would not want to witness their significant other being indoctrinated into joining a cult, as well as their money account being depleted and debt increasing. Unless you leave her at home, there will be hell to pay down the road.

Everyone on our World Wide Destructive Bastards phone line had to sign up for a Yahoo Group account in order for the cult leaders to relay messages to everyone on the line. Like we don't already have enough trash and spam flooding our inboxes, let alone the cult leaders from Amway adding to it. The same may be said about text messaging. There is no end to the downpour!

Having a negative attitude? - The fuck, I've never heard of that phrase before. The bottom line is that it indicates someone who is negative. Ambots are the most pessimistic individuals I have ever met. Always on the prowl for doom and gloom, it would seem. Everything from this company to that company to the other company is either closing its doors or declaring bankruptcy. Everyone will be dead or bankrupt by the time they reach the age of 65, with the exception of Amway ambots, of course.

Texting whilst in the elevator - or texting anywhere else for that matter! Those fucking Amway ambots were always on the phone, whether driving in a car or texting in an attempt to appear large and influential. They're complete and utter moron! Those texts from the upline begin late in the evening and continue into the early hours of the morning, then cease until around 6 a.m., when they resume. Platinum is primarily comprised of our bucket of shit. fuck you asshole, just because you've had a large quantity of XS pee water and are unable to sleep, get off your fucking phone and leave us some space!

Dressing Inappropriately - what is it with people who wear a business suit to a barbecue? What is it about wearing a work suit at night that bothers you? What is it about dressing in a business suit to a cult meeting that bothers you? Those stupid Amway ambots couldn't seem to get the concept that individuals can wear in a casual and comfortable manner without seeming to be slobs. It's not just about the suit, either! When you are being brainwashed by a cult, it is all about the control issue. Because I said so, and because I am your cult leader, you better fucking pay attention to what I have to say!!!!!!!

These guidelines will never be followed by any ambot. Ambots have their heads so far up their asses that they are oblivious to the fact that they are perceived by the general public as a bunch of arrogant obnoxious idiots.

When you are no longer a member of the Amway cult, what is the one thing you should do? Please express your regrets to anyone you have treated unfairly because they refused to support your fictitious Amway pyramid scheme firm. Apologizing to everyone you offended with the above-mentioned eight points is an excellent place to start.

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