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Saturday, August 28, 2021

Amway IBOs = Unpaid Employees?

 Many naive individuals join Amway under the impression that they can achieve wealth and riches by "owning their own business," but in reality, they have essentially become unpaid commissioned employees of Amway. You will not be provided with health insurance, vacation time, or any other fringe benefits. You have the ability to work an endless number of hours and earn money by moving things. By recruiting individuals into your downline, you can increase the size of your unpaid sales force and so increase your commissions.

Some people do achieve success with this strategy, but you must be a top-tier recruiter in order to recruit people to sell Amway items for no compensation. As a result of prior IBO activity that has tarnished Amway's reputation in the United States and Canada, you are also at a disadvantage from the outset. As evidence, the fact that Amway's sales appear to be rising the fastest in other countries, rather than in North America, supports this conclusion. Everyone I know has either been engaged with Amway (and had a negative experience) or knows of someone who has been associated with Amway (and had a negative experience) (i.e. tricked into attending a meeting, or deceived in some way about the opportunity or the products).

Even if you are an excellent recruiter, your chances of becoming an Amway success (emerald or above) are a minuscule fraction of 1 percent. And those who achieve Amway success find it extremely difficult to maintain their current level of success. It is for this reason that there are large quantities of "former" emeralds, diamonds, and platinum.

You may have heard that Amway was declared to be "legitimate" by the Federal Trade Commission or that Amway is the leader in online health and beauty sales. All of this may be true, but it does not change the fact that an IBO is essentially an unpaid Amway salesperson who does not receive a commission. You are responsible for all of the company's expenses, including training, and you are required to split your commission with additional layers of upine (middlemen), some of whom are detrimental to your business and some of whom are unaware that you exist. It's a fantastic bargain for Amway, but it's not a terrific offer for independent business owners. You move their merchandise and absorb the costs, and in exchange for your services, they pay you a commission.. While any accolades or credits received by AMWAY will be beneficial to the company, remember that you are an IBO, which stands for "independent business owner." You are not affiliated with Amway.

Final conclusion: as long as it is possible to persuade people to labour for free, there are numerous options to become wealthy that are far superior and more lucrative than Amway. :-)

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