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Saturday, August 28, 2021

The Employee Mentality?

 One of the most amusing things that IBOs are taught is that they must abandon their employee mentality in order to adopt a business owner attitude. Those with a true business mentality are unlikely to join Amway's systems since the return on investment would be insufficient to make the investment worthwhile. When you include in the fact that just a minuscule fraction of 1 percent of Amway distributors make any major money, it's difficult to comprehend why any sensible and logical person would want to invest their time, money, and effort in an enterprise when the chances of success and profit are so slim. A genuine business owner will seek out a venture with a high possibility of success for his or her investment. Amway would not fit into that definition in any manner.

After giving it some thought, many Independent Business Owners (IBOs) have an employee mentality, but they believe they are thinking like business owners because their upline tells them so. The relationship between upline and downline is frequently analogous to that between a supervisor and an employee in many ways. In a pyramid scheme, the upline dictates what you should do while the downline, who is typically less experienced, merely listens and follows their directions. In the event that an IBO decides to do things on their own, it would be regarded de-edifying to the upline who has already "blazed the way" for them. In addition to CDs, audio books, voicemail, and other features, they have what is referred to as the "system." Many people refer to the system's steps as the "CORE" steps.

Essentially, the IBO's "role" is to complete the CCRE processes. They must immerse themselves in the system, and then they must demonstrate the strategy to others and persuade them to follow their lead, as well. The truly tragic issue is that many independent business owners (IBOs) follow instructions and advice to the letter and never make a single cent of profit, and more often than not, they end up losing money despite their efforts and expenses. It's the equivalent of going to work and handing over $300 to your boss in exchange for a $10 paycheck at the end of the month. Despite the fact that Amway devotees will disagree, this is the most typical and most likely occurrence. All you have to do is take a look at the 6-4-2 or whatever other game plan they present to you. The lowest-level IBOs will spend approximately $300 to purchase their 100 PV, and they will receive approximately $10 in return at the end of the calendar month. Due to the fact that the majority of IBOs never sponsor downline, their volume never increases unless they consume more themselves. Most independent business owners, even the most dedicated ones, will never be able to sell enough products to cover their expenses. If you look at these basic facts, it is easy to see why you are nearly certain to fail in Amway if you stick with the system.

If Independent Business Owners (IBOs) genuinely had a business attitude, they would be focused on selling things rather than urgently attempting to sponsor downline members. They would also strive to keep costs as low as possible. Some detractors believe that the Amway opportunity, because of its lack of a focus on retail sales, is infringing on legal boundaries. Others claim that the Amway chance is only a dream that cannot be fulfilled. Those who concentrate on "purchase from yourself" without focusing on outsaide sales are, in my opinion, the worst offenders. If you have an employee mentality, it is more probable that you will pay attention to what your superiors say and do your "CORE" responsibilities. So, what kind of personality do you have?

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