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Saturday, August 28, 2021

Signs That You're Sucked Into Amway?

 It occurs to the nicest of individuals from time to time, and it usually happens quietly and subtly. These are the indicators that you are becoming indoctrinated, and you are most likely causing irritation among your friends and family members as a result. It may not be immediately evident, but the shift is taking place and will eventually become noticeable to those who are familiar with you. You may not realise that you've become "one of those Amway people" because you believe you're doing everything you can to improve your chances of success in Amway and expanding your skills.

You're driven to recruit as many people as you possibly can. You've compiled a list of names, and you're putting in the hours! You may even have to resort to trickery or open lies in order to encourage people to attend meetings because simply saying "Amway" would not usually suffice. Within a short period of time, your family and friends will avoid you like the plague. You end up spending a lot of your time in malls, book stores, coffee shops, and other public places looking for "sharp" recruits, which may be exhausting. In Amway, you nearly become a phoney when it comes to conversing with others and pretending to be interested in other people and their hobbies since that is how things are done.

You are encouraged to build an unrealistic and irrational fervour for the products in order to maximise your profits. Even going so far as to justify the high quality of toilet paper or to refer to the products as prestigious is an extreme measure. You might even fight over the quality of energy drinks or about phytonutrients, which are things you might not even be aware of at the time. Even in the face of overwhelming and actual proof to the contrary, you continue to defend your Amway products because they are your "ticket to freedom."

Throughout the promotional literature and motivational seminars, there are a slew of demands, promises, and veiled threats of failure if you don't put forth the necessary effort to succeed. i.e. If you give up, you are a loser who is condemned to die poor and miserable. Alternatively, you may allow someone to steal your dream. It is through these ludicrous assertions that your upline manages to keep you hooked. Although the pressure can be modest, it can still be extremely effective. After all, no one wants to be associated with the term "loser."

Because the method is promoted as the means by which you would become phenomenally wealthy, you will be under intense pressure to give up any conflicting or competing hobbies, such as your bowling league, tennis league, or golf club membership. Except for the pursuit of financial independence, there is nothing else that matters in life. All of your activities in life must contribute to the success of your Amway business and have an impact on your financial future. You are uninterested in any other activity until they have an impact on your financial future. In your pursuit of the elusive financial grail, you may find yourself alienating even your closest family and friends. And this is despite the fact that your firm generates $10 in revenue per month while you spend $250 on CDs, books, voicemail, and function tickets each month.

Your upline quickly rises to the position of your most trusted buddy. Your thoughts and sentiments are influenced in part by the CDs, meetings, and functions that you attend and attend. Because of your unwavering allegiance to your upline, people in your life who you may have relied on for your whole life suddenly become second-class citizens in your eyes. The advise of (previously trusted relatives and friends is ignored because they are "broke minded" or have a "employer" attitude, which you find offensive.

Do any of these actions ring a bell with you? Hopefully, you are not engaging in any of these activities; however, if you are, you have been ensnared into the Amway scam.

As a side note, Joecool and I will be travelling to a different part of the world for the next week (as a result of my job income), so I may not have access to submit new comments or new articles until the following week. For now, please enjoy this new post, and I'll make every effort to return before the end of my vacation.


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