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Saturday, August 28, 2021

Amway IBOs Wear Rose Colored Glasses?

 What IBOs are drawn to is the way uplines will foster traditional family values, which is one of the things that attracts them. They may recall the "Leave it to Beaver" days, when the father went to work and the wife took care of the home and dropped the children off at school on their way to work. While some of these ideals are admirable, they are not reflected in today's world in any meaningful way. Some presenters at Amway meetings may attempt to recruit others by stating that they can have this out-of-the-box lifestyle if they only work hard to establish their Amway business. This excites the spouses or girlfriends, who would relish the opportunity to not have to work a traditional 9-5 job.

Ironically, an IBO's desire for more time and money will almost always result in less time and money for the IBO and his or her family as a result of the IBO's efforts. They will take time off to demonstrate the plan, which will include attending an endless number of meetings and festivities. Most of them understand that they are being taught to "delay" gratification, but they are not aware that they are permanently delaying gratification by participating in the "systems."

One of the most common misconceptions among IBOs is that exhibiting the plan, following the standing order, listening to upline guidance, and attending all functions will result in guaranteed success within two to five years. Anyone who expresses a different point of view on this is deemed "negative" and should therefore be avoided. The unfortunate reality is that people who put forth such effort and invest in the system are rarely rewarded with success. Even those who accomplish the platinum level may find that the net profit they generate is less than the net profit they would make working a minimum wage job for the same amount of hours they put in. Furthermore, sustaining a platinum status is a difficult undertaking.

Despite the fact that my former sponsor gained platinum status in less than two years, he was never promoted to Q12 rank, and he never advanced beyond the platinum level. He has been participating for about two decades and, according to the most recent information I have, is below the platinum level. Even after all of that work and effort, I'm curious as to whether or not he has made a net profit of even $1.00 for his efforts.

Despite this, many independent business owners (IBOs) continue to see the world through rose-colored glasses, believing that they will be successful if only they never give up. They do not take into consideration that the past 2-5 years have passed. However, they are blind to the fact that their bottom line is significantly lower than they were lead to believe. The fact is, they are under the impression that Amway will save them financially, despite the fact that there are a number of facts and red signs pointing to the plain reality that they will never attain their goals.

I'm hoping that my blog will convince a few IBOs to take their rose-colored glasses off for a second and see the world as it really is.

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