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Saturday, August 28, 2021

Believe In Amway!

 Many Independent Business Owners (IBOs) are unable to be persuaded that Amway is not the best business opportunity in the world because they wish to believe the lies and deception that are frequently employed when they are recruited. In order for them to believe that 2-5 years of part-time effort will result in a lifetime of residual income, they must believe that they will be able to go to all of the world's beaches as the money keeps coming in. They wish to believe that they will be able to leave their (often less than satisfactory) occupations. This is what they want to believe: that a part-time soap business will allow them to achieve all of this. It is the folks (upline) who profess to be looking out for everyone's best interests who will offer them a proven method of success, and all they have to do is follow the steps to success.

Many people join Amway and then do absolutely nothing with their time. It is possible that they will never order or try things. However, these individuals do not express dissatisfaction with Amway, and any fees they may incur are insignificant. For the most part, they don't even bother to request a refund on their starter package. It makes me question why these people bother to sign up in the first place. Despite this, there have been reports of people being pressured into registering. The aspect of this business where things become tricky is when people sign up and put up a genuine effort, only to find themselves in a position of financial difficulty. The losses can range from a few thousand dollars to several tens of thousands of dollars. In exchange for a few hundred dollars a month, you can find yourself drowning in debt after a few years of hard work, despite the fact that you followed all of your upline's instructions. The fact that uplines do not publish their company's financial information says a lot about them. Former uplines who have come forward have revealed that the majority of their money came from hawking standing orders and seminars, rather than from Amway sales, as they would have you believe from their statements.

At one point, I fell for the marketing hoopla. I was taken in by the lies. I had been led to believe by my upline that there was no profit to be earned from tools. In my previous role as a network marketing executive (IBO), I wanted to believe that I could work part time for 2-5 years and then quit my job. That I would be able to retire at the age of 35 and live in luxury for the rest of my life. I really wanted to believe it. However, after I reached the 4000 PV level, which marked the precipice of platinum, I learned that I had made no money. I sat down and ran the numbers, and it became clear that they would make very little money at platinum. I came to the idea that a second job would have been a better fit for my skills and abilities. When I discovered this, along with the fact that my upline wanted complete control over my life, I decided to quit. My determination to persevere was motivated by my desire to believe that Amway would be the vehicle through which I might achieve financial independence.

After I decided to leave Amway, my life returned to normal in a short period of time. Friends who had previously shunned my company returned to my life. Because I was no longer forced to acquire tools, my disposable income improved, and my cashflow returned to a positive position once again. It was also interesting to see that the same elderly leaders on stage were still working as hard as they had been years before, and that none of them had seized the opportunity to retire and walk the beaches of the world. This group of leaders may also want to - or need to - believe in Amway because they have already put much too much time and effort in it to give up and start anything new. I desperately wanted to believe, but the reality was that individuals were failing miserably. People were not receiving their freedom. As a result of Amway and the tool systems, I witnessed home foreclosures, bankruptcies, and financial troubles that were exacerbated for people in need. And it appears that the diamonds are subject to the same problems. If you conduct your own investigation, you will most likely come to the same conclusion as I did. Amway is a pipe dream that will never come true.

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