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Saturday, August 28, 2021

The Truth About Amway Diamonds?

 When it comes to some Amway executives, one of the things that irritates me the most is their obvious revisionist history. It is impossible for them to accept any responsibility for anything, save for the little amounts of success that seep through their system. Realism is neglected, or leaders pretend that real problems and issues never existed, or they just rewrite history to suit their own objectives or political aims and agendas. Undoing this by teaching their downline to take personal accountability for their failures, even when downline diligently purchases and applies teaching via resources such as voicemail, standing orders, and functions.

One particularly egregious example was the outright fabrication that no one made money from tools. Leaders have already admitted that they make money from tools after being caught red handed, but no one seems to know exactly how much or how you actually qualify to receive compensation. And there was no retaliation for telling such blatantly false statements.

When I was in my last LOS, WWDB, the leaders used to explain why so few IBO couples ever get divorced. Amway couples have a 2 percent divorce rate, which is significantly lower than the global average of around 50 percent divorce rate for married couples. WWDB, on the other hand, employs its own revisionist history. One such individual is Howie Danzik, who, according to the WWDB, started his firm while single and then married Theresa Tsuruda. Apparently, the Emerald function I attended, where Howie and his wife at the time, Susan, stated that they had developed the company together, was a dream come true for me. There are numerous such examples of this, but what strikes me is how the downlines appear to be completely unaware of these realities.

Another recent example is how an IBO argued that a major triple diamond in WWBD (Duncan) had not have homes foreclosed on or was not involved in chapter 7 bankruptcy proceedings, despite the fact that there are numerous public documents demonstrating that this was not the case. It's completely mind-boggling. If Tiger Woods were a diamond and claimed that he had no extramarital affairs, I'm willing to bet that his downline would believe him too. Scary.

Simply put, I'm curious as to when Independent Business Owners (IBOs), who devote their time and resources to numerous systems, would ever hold these leaders accountable for their conduct. If you purchase a television and it does not function properly, you would request a refund. If certain standing orders and functions contain critical information, and if you use them and they do not function, you should request a refund as soon as possible. People should also ask the difficult questions of their superiors. If someone provides you with incorrect advise, they should be held accountable for their actions. Someone who claims that purchasing a home with a mortgage is foolish because of the interest you will pay is a hypocrite, and if you discover that they have "interest only loans," you should consider their advise to be suspect.

Keep these well-paid leaders from simply rewriting history in order to excuse their own faults and transgressions.

Amway is a multi-level marketing organization that distributes a variety of items, including health and wellness products, beauty products, and cleaning supplies for the home. One of the objectives of Amway distributors is to advance their standing within the organization to the level of "Diamond," which is one of the most prestigious degrees of accomplishment.

In spite of the fact that many Amway Diamonds assert that their work with the firm has allowed them to become financially independent and lead a life of luxury, the truth is frequently quite different. In point of fact, a lot of people who used to be Amway Diamonds have come out to talk about their experiences, which has helped throw some light on the way things really are with this business opportunity.

The so-called "tool scam," in which high-level distributors offer pricey training materials, seminars, and other resources to their downline distributors as a way to make more cash, is one of the primary charges leveled against the Amway business model. Because of this, it's possible that the only people who are generating money are the high-level distributors who are selling the training materials, rather than the actual product that the MLM organization is selling.

In addition, the compensation structure for Amway places a much greater emphasis on the recruiting of new distributors than it does on the actual selling of products. This means that distributors are urged to recruit as many people as possible into the organization, frequently without regard to whether or not the individuals being recruited are truly interested in the business or are capable of thriving in it.

The steep entry prices required by the Amway business strategy are yet another drawback of the company. Individuals who are interested in becoming Amway distributors are required to make a financial investment in the form of the acquisition of a beginning kit as well as the payment of a number of fees, which for some people may represent a substantial burden financially. In addition, the high cost of the products themselves can make it challenging for distributors to generate a profit off of the sale of such products.

In spite of these problems, there are still a big number of Amway Diamonds who assert to have accomplished a great deal of success through their involvement with the firm. Before devoting one's time and resources to the company in question, one must, however, examine these assertions with a skeptic's perspective and conduct exhaustive market research.

In conclusion, despite the fact that the Amway Diamond rank could appear to be a symbol of accomplishment and independent financial standing, the reality is frequently very different. The high cost of admission, the emphasis placed on recruiting rather than actual sales, and the existence of a tool fraud are just a few of the problems that contribute to the fact that the Amway business opportunity is not perfect for a lot of people. Before devoting any amount of one's time or finances to a business endeavor, it is critical to give thorough consideration to all facets of that business.

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