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Saturday, August 28, 2021

Amway IBOs Ignore Facts?

 We were taught by our upline that when you have a dream, the facts don't matter. This was one of the most bizarre things we ever learned. There is evidence that this is still taught today, and in particular, I have heard this from IBOs who claim to be affiliated with WWDB, which is concerning. Independent Business Owners (IBOs) are instructed to avoid facts since facts make their Amway company appear to be a joke. Why would you spend $300 a month on things in order to receive a $10 rebate when you could have purchased the same or comparable products at WalMart for a fraction of the cost instead? Then many IBOs spend an additional $200 or more to be trained to ignore the facts and to believe that they are getting a good deal on their purchase.

Any legitimate business owner would never choose to ignore the facts. When a real business owner makes decisions, he or she does it on the basis of facts. International Business Organizations (IBOs) are being tricked into making business decisions based on emotions and hype. Currently, the Amway opportunity is overburdened with handicaps and challenges, particularly in the United States and Canada, where the reputations and previous antics of fellow IBOs have so tarnished Amway's name that it appears to be negatively impacting sales and preventing any significant growth. I believe that, despite what Amway apologists assert, Amway is very likely diminishing in the United States, and that this trend will continue unless adjustments and corrections are implemented. It's also possible that it's too late to turn the ship around at this point in the voyage.

It's also why so many Amway Independent Business Owners (IBOs) remark about how Amway has saved their marriages or made them nicer individuals. This is something that uplines will teach because it diverts a business owner's attention away from their bottom line, which is their profit or loss. Alternatively, IBOs are taught that a loss simply indicates that they are investing in their business, despite the fact that they have been promised from the beginning that little or no investment is required and that profits can be generated rapidly in Amway. Neither Amway nor its downlines have held these uplines accountable for years, despite the fact that they have benefited from their efforts. Any "incidents" are simply disregarded, or the history of the organisation is altered by higher-ups.

A WWDB IBO writes about buying homes in cash on one blog, and Amway IBOs have a 2 percent divorce rate, which is significantly lower than the global average of over 50%. Yet, Amway apologists such as IBOFightback say that this isn't being taught, despite the fact that it very certainly is. Cover it up all you want; the evidence is right in front of you; yet, these people aren't interested in the truth at all. Some of them even construct fictitious blogs under fictitious personalities in order to make Amway appear credible.

Why are we choosing to ignore the facts?

When it comes to the business opportunity that Amway provides, there is a widespread belief that some Independent Business Owners (IBOs) may choose to overlook the realities. The following are some of the reasons why people have this perspective, as well as some factors that may contribute to it:

Individuals have a tendency to seek out information that supports their pre-existing ideas, while disregarding or discarding information that contradicts those beliefs, which is an example of the cognitive bias known as confirmation bias. In the case of Amway Independent Business Owners (IBOs), some people may be so vested in the idea that the Amway business opportunity is a viable path to monetary success that they may choose to ignore or minimize evidence that suggests the opportunity is not such a path.

Motivated Reasoning: Motivated reasoning is a type of reasoning in which humans begin with a desired conclusion and work backwards, selecting accepting or rejecting data to support that conclusion. Motivated reasoning is a type of reasoning that is used by scientists. Some Amway Independent Business Owners (IBOs) can be motivated to ignore indications indicating the business opportunity is not as lucrative as they had been led to believe because of the time and effort they have already put into the business, in addition to the financial commitment they have made in it.

Groupthink is a phenomena in which a group of individuals adhere to a shared view or opinion, frequently at the expense of critical thinking or individual opinion. Groupthink is a term that was coined by psychologists. In the case of Amway Independent Business Owners (IBOs), the culture and community of the Amway business opportunity can produce a sense of shared belief that is challenging or impossible to question.

Investment of Emotional Energy: It's possible that some Amway Independent Business Owners (IBOs) have put a substantial amount of their emotional energy into the idea that the Amway business opportunity is a method to achieve financial success. Because of the emotional involvement, it may be challenging for individuals to acknowledge the validity of data that runs counter to their view.

It is crucial to highlight that not all Amway Independent Business Owners choose to ignore the facts, and that some of them may be willing to engage in critical analysis of the business opportunity and the possibilities it presents. Those individuals, on the other hand, who choose to reject the facts may do so for a number of different reasons, the majority of which are not specific to the Amway business opportunity.

It is essential to acknowledge that unfavorable preconceptions and misunderstandings regarding the business opportunity may be contributing factors to the widespread belief that Independent Business Owners (IBOs) for Amway ignore the truth. Critics of the Amway business opportunity may be quick to condemn it as a pyramid scheme or scam, without carefully assessing the facts or the complexities of the business model. This may be due to the fact that critics are not familiar with the Amway business model.

In conclusion, it is possible that cognitive biases, groupthink, emotional investment, and other variables are contributing to the idea that some Amway Independent Business Owners (IBOs) neglect facts when it comes to their business opportunity. It is essential to maintain an open mind when having conversations about the Amway business opportunity and to assess the facts and evidence that are at your disposal in an objective and critical manner. It is essential that you steer clear of promoting unfavorable preconceptions and common misunderstandings regarding the commercial opportunity.

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