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Saturday, August 28, 2021

Beware Of Amway Mentors?

 In recent weeks, I have received a number of emails from Amway Independent Business Owners (IBOs) and potential Amway IBOs seeking my advice and opinion on whether or not to join Amway, as well as my thoughts on Amway. I never advise someone directly that they should or should not join Amway, but I do share my opinions and experiences with them, allowing them to at the very least make an informed decision regarding Amway and the Amway systems, such as WWDB, BWW, LTD, Network 21, and so on, before making a final decision. These systems, and the leaders of these systems, are often diamonds or higher in status. Although they do not exhibit any official credentials, most people believe they are wealthy beyond belief and should be adored and treated with the greatest reverence.

I have, on the other hand, noticed several chinks in the Armor. One of my clients was a triple diamond who filed for chapter 7 bankruptcy and lost his properties to foreclosure. Another "lesser" diamond in the WWDB suffered the loss of a home to foreclosure as well. An excellent question I have is how they are able to lose their homes to foreclosure when they proclaim on stage that diamonds pay cash for everything? What's even more amazing is that the triple diamond only made $40,000 each month on average. Now, that is a substantial revenue, but is it what you would expect from a triple diamond in the Amway business model? How can you afford a mansion, a private aircraft, and a fleet of sports cars when your salary in the National Football League is roughly the same as the minimum wage in your state? Your downline voicemail, CDs, books, and seminar tickets can all be sold to generate more income, and you can charge them for meetings and other activities as well. More on that in the coming days.

Despite the fact that Amway leaders frequently refer to themselves as "mentors," mentors do not get compensation from the people they mentor. Mentoring might include, for example, my grandfather teaching me how to have excellent character or how to be a nice guy. One can hardly call someone who charges me for voicemail, books, and CDs, and makes money even if I lose my shirt, a mentor in this context. I would characterise that individual as a paid consultant who is not held accountable for my results in Amway. As far as I'm aware, no Amway upline has ever reimbursed money because you threw away your clothing after following their recommendations. I've heard stories about people losing a lot of money, and while they can return some Amway products, I haven't heard any instances about anyone getting their money back from the "tools fraud."

And it is the most frustrating aspect of the Amway "mentors." They have never been held accountable for the large number of people who have invested money in WWDB, BWW, LTD, or Network 21 and have failed to make money despite following the advice of their "mentors" or upline leaders. Moreover, there is no proven evidence that the system of books, CDs, and seminars helps IBOs make money, unless you are in the business of selling the materials. My advice to Amway prospects and potential Independent Business Owners (IBOs) is to be wary of Amway "mentors."

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