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Saturday, August 28, 2021

The Amway "Quality" Argument?

 Another argument that Amway Independent Business Owners (IBOs) use to defend their selection of Amway items is that Amway products are of excellent quality, and they feel justified in paying the higher price because of the superior quality. Oddly enough, these Independent Business Owners (IBOs) don't seem to feel the same way after they quit Amway. I believe this is due to the fact that when IBOs are fuelled by aspirations of wealth and residual income, they are not averse to paying premium rates for things that I regard to be of ordinary quality. I'm presenting an article that demonstrates exactly why Amway is unable to compete with the large box shops. The voice of the consumer has been heard!

WASHINGTON, D.C. » According to an Associated Press-GfK study, the clear majority of Americans favour lower prices over paying a premium for things labelled "Made in the United States of America," even if this implies that those cheaper items are manufactured overseas instead of here.

According to the results of a study released today, over three-quarters of respondents say they would prefer to purchase things created in the United States, but that these items are typically too expensive or difficult to find. Solely 9 percent of people say they only buy products made in the United States.

When asked about a real-world scenario in which they had to choose between a $50 pair of pants created in another nation and a $85 pair made in the United States – one merchant sells two pairs of pants with the same fabric and pattern — 67 percent said they would choose the cheaper pair. Only 30% of those polled would spend the extra money for the more expensive American-made model. People from higher-income families with annual incomes of more than $100,000 are no less likely than those from lower-income families to claim they would choose the lower-priced option.

According to Sonya Grob, 57, a middle school secretary from Norman, Oklahoma, “low costs are a benefit for US consumers because it allows people to stretch their budgets and save for their retirements, provided they do so wisely, with monies that would otherwise be spent on day-to-day living.”

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