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Monday, September 13, 2021

4 Things Never to Buy

 4 Things You Should Never Purchase From Amazon Amway

I saw this post on four items you should never buy from Amazon, and I came to the conclusion that the same list also applies to Amway.

The first category would be groceries, which would include anything you purchase from Amway that you can put in your mouth and swallow (food bars, vitamins, XS, Perfect Water, etc)

2. Hardware and hand tools - I don't recall ever seeing any hardware goods for sale by Amway, but it's a good idea to avoid purchasing them if they do happen to be available. 3. Lowe's and Home Depot have them for a lot less money! As for hand tools, let us remove the qualifier "hand." Amway is not a good place to buy tools. This is referred described as "investing in the tool fraud." Don't even think about it!

Three. Home furnishings - I've seen several home furnishings from companies like Amway and Ribbons catalogues. They are, for the most part, of poor quality and excessively expensive. Walmart is a great place to save money.

4) Cleaning supplies - yep, don't buy them from Amazon, and don't buy them from Amway either, for the same reason as stated in the article - they're way too expensive.

The complete article may be found here:

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